Recent content by amneziaHaze

  1. amneziaHaze

    Anyone knows what this would be??

    soo you have too hot of a soil thats why the seedlings didnt have problems whole veg no problem but late veg then the hotness activated? i feel like you just want to flush. give her cal mag not too much and dont expect your leafs to get better.remember what leafs where damaged or cut tips from...
  2. amneziaHaze

    Anyone knows what this would be??

    well you dont have a overfeeding soo you should just add calmag to regular feeding
  3. amneziaHaze

    Chocolate haze vs Cereal Milk

    started getting ph crashes again going down to 4.5 from 5.8 for 3 days now. soo i did a 90% res change
  4. amneziaHaze

    Yellowing tips & edges

    yea why not.if thats what you have. yea normal feed as usual just with some added.and yea maybe start with a small dose and see where it can allsoo try a foliar feed for a quick fix but you will have to find on the forum what concentration people used
  5. amneziaHaze

    I have a weird one.

    does it have friscian duck in her genetics?
  6. amneziaHaze

    Yellowing tips & edges

    cant be fixed but it can be stopped.affected leafs will stay the same
  7. amneziaHaze

    A slight dilemma

    you should watch the plant and see how it idea what you are using to grow water dirt coco sand..... but different plants different needs
  8. amneziaHaze

    Yellowing tips & edges

    magnesium your stems are allsoo red/ some epson salt
  9. amneziaHaze

    Plants not responding to treatment. Deficiencies worsening over time. Mephisto & Humboldt Freebie Run

    what kind of lime is it?there is some that's only calcium... but that's the only idea i have. if it was that, the leafs will never get better but should stop spreading now. but usually it starts really slow did you let the problem for a long time? it usually starts at the bottom allsoo it says...
  10. amneziaHaze

    Plants not responding to treatment. Deficiencies worsening over time. Mephisto & Humboldt Freebie Run

    after the problem or before the problem? and how long does lime need to start working? whats the ph of lime?
  11. amneziaHaze

    Normal for leaf tips to discolour in flowering?

    New leaf is allways lighter.allsoo your old leafs have tip burn meaning you are feesing too much or you did at some point
  12. amneziaHaze

    Fridge drying anyone?

    Literally a whole tread with over 30 pages last post this month i think
  13. amneziaHaze

    What would you pick led or hps?

    Nobody talking about uvc.there is some reaserch it gives same effect as uvb and a with just a few seconds of daily use
  14. amneziaHaze

    Help! Small plants 3.5 weeks in!

    Give me the ppm of last 3 days and ph. Allsoo netcup should be just above the water You should top feed until roots hit the water