Recent content by BongerChonger

  1. BongerChonger

    Seedlings "frozen in time"

    I think raising the temps will help, as others have said. Average temp bit low. Even if the problem isn't due to temperature, raising them will better help the plant's own defences. Overwatering is an aeration issue, not necessarily your own watering habits at fault here. Watering to runoff in...
  2. BongerChonger

    Deficiency in...?

    Wouldn't be so sure of yourself, they can look pretty similar. So you're still thinking it's deficiency? Well you do you pal. Try Iron chelate.
  3. BongerChonger

    Deficiency in...?

    Point I'm trying to make is, visually, how can you be sure it isn't Calcium or Sulphur deficiency symptoms showing, not Iron for example? They all exhibit interveinal chlorosis and yellowing in newer growth when deficient or locked out. You're running 2.7EC. Using the chart, how can you be sure...
  4. BongerChonger

    Deficiency in...?

    Visually, yes, it could be Iron deficiency. But... At that pH Iron should be plenty available. Also, iron's only needed in very small amounts, your nutrient more than likely has ample already. Indicating, you're dealing with lockout from too much of something else. I wouldn't ever go over 2.4EC...
  5. BongerChonger

    I have a problem with the taste

    It's just the nature of things. Terpy plants that taste good too are something that's sought after. You need to hunt for them and keep cuttings. And, Not harvest too early. But by sounds of it, it was just luck of the draw.
  6. BongerChonger

    Deficiency help

    FFOF should have plenty already to get you going for couple weeks. You've then added ewc + dr earth fertilizer as well. Seems like too much to me. And, what are the directions on your dr earth? Does it suggest mixing the veg and bloom together? I'd be sticking to the instructions. I wouldn't be...
  7. BongerChonger

    Ph meeters

    I buy cheap equipment, fans, tents, hid bulbs, lights etc. If it's within your budget, a Blue Lab pH/EC combo meter is worth the investment.
  8. BongerChonger

    Auto flower plant discoloring, any suggestions or advice on how to fix?

    So long as you're getting some runoff, it'll be okay. (roughly 5% of 5gallons in waste or runoff) 1.5litres maybe just a bit shy, I think, but it'd be close.
  9. BongerChonger

    Auto flower plant discoloring, any suggestions or advice on how to fix?

    If they're all 5 gallon, I'd give them all the same amount of water. Aim for about 5% pot volume in runoff, little less doesn't matter. Just keep it up with plain water. They should start getting better within a couple waterings.
  10. BongerChonger

    Auto flower plant discoloring, any suggestions or advice on how to fix?

    You're locking out from too much food. Easy to tell by the Nitrogen claw and lockout symptoms in the leaves. What size are your pots? Are you watering until you see runoff/drainage?
  11. BongerChonger

    Hempy Bucket Flowering EC or Potassium?

    My opinion, you're mostly chasing ghosts, better to just leave things be and see what happens. As you've already given fertilizer etc, done all you can for now. Stop defoliating so much. Doesn't look too bad for day 28, be patient, weeks/months to go. 20 gallons of soil, careful of how often you...
  12. BongerChonger

    Hempy Bucket Flowering EC or Potassium?

    Really up to you. One, couple, or a few. I use a 1.2 tent indoors and seem to like about 4. (5gallon pots) Have managed up to seven 5gallon pots. Best yield in the space so far was 1 plant in larger pot approach. This isn't using hempy buckets, though, just DTW.
  13. BongerChonger

    Hempy Bucket Flowering EC or Potassium?

    Lots of recirculating systems using hempy or dutch buckets that water several times per day. Minimum would be once per day. It's recommended, so the water in the bottom of your bucket keeps getting replenished and doesn't go stagnant. Stagnant water causes root rot.
  14. BongerChonger

    How well do grow tents protect your plants from light leaks ?

    Seriously....what amount of stress is going to trigger male flowers to grow on a female plant? I know "they" say it does. BUT I can't say the same from my own experience. Quite the contrary, actually. Revegging due to light leaks, sure, been there. If a plant herms, it's genetics, period. The...
  15. BongerChonger

    Do hermie plants during flowering show hermie characteristics? Even with no obvious pollen sacs or nanners

    So, I just mean to say, if you do get a herm early or late stage, don't blame yourself and start tail chasing your environment. The ability was present all along. A dioecious female plant lacks the same trait, by it's very definition.