Recent content by Funkentelechy

  1. Funkentelechy

    Male preflowers?

    It does look like a male, I wouldn't pull it yet, but it does look like a male.
  2. Funkentelechy

    Humboldt Seed Company (HSC) Thread

    Geez, I feel like I'm going to get diabetes just from reading the strain list!
  3. Funkentelechy

    Awesome New Strains For Me *Landrace*

    Very cool! Having a connection to the previous generation's knowledge and experience, not to mention their genetics, is invaluable. Plants grown from seed are much more vigorous and have healthier root systems.
  4. Funkentelechy

    Is touching cannabis briefly with clothing a seriously bad thing

    Yes, it is a seriously bad thing, your brother is right(teasing), LOL! In all seriousness, it could be or not at all, it depends on what we're talking about. I wouldn't want someone rubbing their clothes against my flowering plants, people are disgusting, pet hair, dander, Febreeze, cologne...
  5. Funkentelechy

    Old School Skunk, who's found it???

    I feel like one of the reasons that it's hard to find strains with true pure skunk smell has to do with what happens when skunky terpenes are combined with other terpenes, IMO skunk terpenes are drowned out whenever they are combined with other terpenes. And, everything is mixed with something...
  6. Funkentelechy

    Male plant pollen collection

    It is possible that it may be sterile, that strain clearly produces a lot of mutations. Is it a feminized strain that has been reversed?
  7. Funkentelechy

    Male plant pollen collection

    Typically you see pollen right after the male flower opens. It looks like some of the male flowers in the picture are open so I would expect to see some pollen at this point.
  8. Funkentelechy

    Necking / scraping the stem before harvest

    I agree about chitin, I've used insect frass, and it seems to have a positive effect. But, when it comes to plants actually being stressed by being damaged by insects, it's different. I've never heard anyone brag about a spider mite infestation improving potency or resin production. So maybe the...
  9. Funkentelechy

    Necking / scraping the stem before harvest

    The problem with this theory is that Cannabis doesn't produce THC as a defensive mechanism, like a pine tree produces sap, a stressed pot plant produces less THC.
  10. Funkentelechy

    2nd Outdoor grow after a couple year break

    Looks like a nice spot. What's that cage in the background of picture three for, Rabbits?
  11. Funkentelechy

    2024 outdoor show an tell anything an everything outdoor is welcome.

    Seriously though it's looking great! It looks cold where you're at.
  12. Funkentelechy

    2024 outdoor show an tell anything an everything outdoor is welcome.

    Your hands must be sore, you should look into using a shovel. Waka Waka! Sorry
  13. Funkentelechy

    Old School Skunk, who's found it???

    My favorite are the spotted skunks.
  14. Funkentelechy

    Old School Skunk, who's found it???

    There are five different species of skunk in North America.
  15. Funkentelechy

    Old School Skunk, who's found it???

    I agree. There will never be a consensus on what is true old school skunk, there were many strains called skunk back in the day and they all were the "real" one to each individual smoker/grower. we can't even agree on what skunk smells like as it varies regionally. Still, I love the discussion...