Recent content by green_machine_two9er

  1. green_machine_two9er

    Coots mix reammend questions

    well maybe not. About 6-7 cf total there. 1-1.5 cups NPK ammendemnts per cf so I would be closer to 6-8 cups craft blend.( not super familiar with the product but I’m guessing it’s the same meals as all dry) but the thing with recycles is it’s all dictated by the previous rounds for me. Plan...
  2. green_machine_two9er

    Seedling help??

    Are they in straight coco? Are you introducing a super light feed at all? Or did you charge your coco before planting??
  3. green_machine_two9er

    Can someone help identify what this stuff in the leaves is?

    Close up picture with a scope if possible will help. But that looks like pests from quick glance.
  4. green_machine_two9er

    Crazy Flower

    Most likely reveg but depends on strain. What’s your goal?
  5. green_machine_two9er

    Can plain greek yogurt be used to create anything worthwhile?

    My every single day routine is make coffee roll joints. Never have time for breakfast. Good job on good routines. And it’s the nasty plain Greek yogurt instead of some flips with reeces peanut butter and Oreo fudge cookie topping dumped on highly sweetened yurgurt like substance like the rest...
  6. green_machine_two9er

    How Much Yield for 3 Week Veg?

    I think you missed the punchline by about a decade….
  7. green_machine_two9er

    is this a legit site to order recharge from ?

    Real growers is the company that produces recharge and grow dot thingys. They are legit. I have been ordering directly from them wholesale for years.
  8. green_machine_two9er

    Week 4, day 1 of flower....buds too small??

    “in the most respectful way to say this possible”……….. keep it simple dude!!! Your way overthinking and over loving and over vegging and over pruning and everything. Start at the basics and work back up from there. No offense intending but what you got going on here is not gunna really recover...
  9. green_machine_two9er

    PSA. Microwave test for government weed

    Ok nice. Then you can use the captured canna-plasma to take a g13 dab and really find the utopia undertones.
  10. green_machine_two9er

    PSA. Microwave test for government weed

    Wtf? Seems legit I’ll place an order straight away.
  11. green_machine_two9er

    Stunned growth in coots Mix

    1/3 peat 1/3 aeration. 1/3 castings. 2-3 cups npks. Neem. Kelp. Alfalfa crab 4 cups minerals, best to have multiple sources 1 cup oyster 1 cup gypsum
  12. green_machine_two9er

    Stunned growth in coots Mix

    Yes. Ratios are all off Just curious how you know how much dry back is fine before microbes suffer. looks to me like it’s been suffering a long long time. watering practice is key but also getting the recipe right it important. You’re way off on your base. And half the amount of minerals I...
  13. green_machine_two9er

    Is there a way to 100% kill pests in large no-till living soil pots?

    It is very possible to have a pest free living soil. the key is useing nature, and the good guys of the insect and bug world. It really takes a whole holistic approach when dealing with living soils. Study the soil food web. Which beneficial bugs reduce pest pressure. The right time to apply...
  14. green_machine_two9er

    How cold is too cold?

    Ouch. What’s your light? You’re too cold for sure. I mean to for plants to grow as it grows no matter what but to get optimal results with led you should be shooting for 80-84 hot time, and 75ish lights off. These numbers directly corresponds with relative humidity as well. So typically a hot...