Recent content by oggunna

  1. oggunna

    Mail bud

    how sketchy is it to get bud through the mail from a trusted friend? sketchy or straight? do they check the packages now with more technology since the "terrorist" attack
  2. oggunna


    ha i can show u alot of shit like blowing rings through smoggy room wit clear lungs and ghost i cant even name anything else im trippin shit
  3. oggunna

    ?on Ritalin,plz help

    ya people snort it, to poor to afford coke, same drug, fucks u up, just like fuckers and straight robo...bitches..
  4. oggunna

    What Other Drugs Do You Enjoi?

    E coke weed lsd (im trippin right now) candy flip oxy cotton perks loratabs liquid hydrocodone (lean motha fucka, thats some dank shit) did i mention weed
  5. oggunna

    Is A Gram .7

    the maritimes aviator is incredibly trippy
  6. oggunna


    is terrible... i need large dosages of pot but none to be found :cry:
  7. oggunna

    anyone live in VA area

    ya cause im a cop and all you know it.
  8. oggunna

    anyone live in VA area

    Does anyone live in the VA ( near 804) area. I was fucking straight like a mother fucker pushing like ounces every hour, then the punk ass dealers bitched out around here.
  9. oggunna

    Made hash, now what?

    dude just fuckin put it in a bowl or something and smoke it.
  10. oggunna

    Is it Worth it?

    lol no a male plant doesn't do shit all it does is produce pollen. KILL IT!!!!
  11. oggunna

    buy pot online

    $399 an ounce is a rip off. Our main dealer just got a new hook-up its $85 a quarter now
  12. oggunna


    haha that was some damn good responses. imma stay baked.
  13. oggunna

    Can You Smoke Yourself Retarded?? Whatz Happening 2 Me?

    please ip-ban this fucker i know it's an old thread but do it.damnnnnn.
  14. oggunna


    i just saw the commercial for ed (erectial disfunction). Do you think they provide medical marijuana for that? I don't really know all the symptoms because i don't have it. But since weed dialates your blood vessels do you think it would work? thats two questions so don't forget.
  15. oggunna

    Moving to stronger cigs

    ya quiting cold turkey is easy as shit. the only reason people cant is because they give themeselves in to the fact that cigarettes are addicting. what i've done is sorta quit. i smoke a cig when i feel alot of stress and herb is to noticable at the moment. gives you a nice buzz because your...