Recent content by p59teitel

  1. P

    2024 Massachusetts Outdoor Growers

    Off the windowsill and into the ground yesterday, glad I didn’t water! It was time as the roots were filling the keg cups. Running Tashqurghan from Afghanistan and Chitrali and two different Karakoram range from Pakistan.
  2. P

    2024 Massachusetts Outdoor Growers

    Thanks for the kind words, Stealth. Due to her herding lineage she was an ass grabber, not an arm biter lol
  3. P

    2024 Massachusetts Outdoor Growers

    True story - about a year after I got this bitch sent over from Germany as a 9 week old pup, I was over at the neighbors having a beer. Guy says hey have you met the woodchucks? I said nope. Guy says they come right up on the lawn within ten feet of our elderly Portuguese Water Dog, no fear at...
  4. P

    2024 Massachusetts Outdoor Growers

    Looking good! Years ago I had to run PVC underground from the house spigot out to the fenced-in garden as a hose conduit, to keep one of my asshole German Shepherds from shredding the hose lol My plants are mostly doing OK, started seeds 4-1. Here are two varieties from the Karakoram Range in...
  5. P

    2024 Massachusetts Outdoor Growers

    10-11 weeks is about right for Balkh strains. I’m willing to push the envelope with slower strains because most of it goes to hash anyway.
  6. P

    2024 Massachusetts Outdoor Growers

    I grow Central Asian landraces from Afganistan, Pakistan and the Himalayas, mostly for hash. My grows are fully organic and I use Monterey B.t., Monterey Complete and 1% peroxide for caterpillar, mold and disease control. I can sometimes get the Afghans from Balkh Province to finish by mid...
  7. P

    2024 Massachusetts Outdoor Growers

    Glad to see you back, stealth! Totally agree about the difficulty of growing here and the need to select strains that can beat the mold and other threats. Last year I kept mold somewhat in check but fighting the septoria leaf spot battle all summer long really limited what my Afghans produced...
  8. P

    2023 Massachusetts Outdoor Growers

    Hung it all to dry out and be turned into hash, will sift it some cold night out in the garage.
  9. P

    2023 Massachusetts Outdoor Growers

    It’s a wrap! Chopped the three Dakshinkali today because I’m sure it will drop below 25 in my yard tonight and I don’t want the flowers to freeze. The latest I’ve had plants in the ground and also the latest flowering plants I’ve grown. One good thing is zero rot, maybe that’s a consequence of...
  10. P

    2023 Massachusetts Outdoor Growers

    No frost blankets. Within 175 yards of the water on the South Coast - it has a bit of a moderating effect if the wind is from the west or south, but when it is from the NW it doesn’t help all that much. 28 degrees last night, probably the same tonight and I’m pretty certain they will come down...
  11. P

    2023 Massachusetts Outdoor Growers

    Still at it. Made it through a 26 degree night on Saturday with moderate leaf damage but no harm to flowers. Probably coming down Sunday as Monday night is supposed to drop to mid 20s again and I’m not sure they can handle another hard frost. Not a spec of botrytis. Pretty sticky, smells range...
  12. P

    2023 Massachusetts Outdoor Growers

    At various points I used B.t., Monterey Complete and Spinosad to deal with caterpillars - which came on much later than usual. Just a weird growing season.
  13. P

    2023 Massachusetts Outdoor Growers

    And then there were three, hope these Dakshinkali make it through the next couple of cold nights, because the weather looks great for them to pack on the resin after that - Took down the rest of the Rasoli today, I’ll be in trim jail a couple of days with this all this to contend with… really...
  14. P

    2023 Massachusetts Outdoor Growers

    Still at it, have two Rasoli and one Panjshiri still in the ground with lower halves going (took the tops down as they were close to done and I couldn’t monitor mold issues 15 or 18 feet up anyway). The Dakshinkali all need more time, like until Thanksgiving, tallest is 19 feet, holy crap...
  15. P

    2023 Massachusetts Outdoor Growers

    What do you use to clone? I’ve never done it before but I’m thinking of cloning the garlic-onion plant after sampling some semi-dried trim and liking the effects a lot.