Recent content by Red Hard Head

  1. R

    Sulfamic acid as ph down?

    Any reason you wont use a product explicitly intended for plant use? If so yes, go with phosphoric acid, i e rust treatment.
  2. R

    Sulfamic acid as ph down?

    It will lower pH. Wether its preferred for plant growing....? Dont know. Never seen that as an ingredient in any pH down for plant use. So a quick Google search says....No, it strongly inhibits plant growth and there are maximum limits allowed in fertilizer.
  3. R

    Republicans — fighting for all the wrong things

    To be fair to the Uniparty, Democrats- standing up for all the wrong things. Which causes Republicans to fight, causing Democrats to stand up, causing..... See how it works.
  4. R

    Weird yellow tiny dots and discoloration on front of leaves

    Likely under fed. Cannabis consumes a lot of fertilizer. Yellowing bottom up, suggests mobile nutrients deficiency. N P K. The spots P or K, general yellowing N or P. Red leaf stem, def P. Spots can also be Calcium another nutrient cannabis likes a lot of.
  5. R

    Fungus gnats in flower

    Microb lif, BT, mosquito control. A few drops in your water, and water it in. Very effective. You will probably have to use it till the end. And any extra soil near the room is likely infested too. Good thing the bottle will lsdt a long time. And its cheap.
  6. R

    Hawaiian Budline Decent?

    They say they are a hemp seed store. Im from Big Island, where these guys claim to be, never heard of them. I've known a few frauds selling 'hawaiian' seeds. Do more research.
  7. R

    Why Marijuana?

    Make some RSO. I know a few cancer patients that defied stage 4 with mets diagnosis. Some used chemical meds and RSO and one who had less than 3 months life expectancy just had one rad treatment and just used RSO and still around. One word of caution, most regimens require a loading dose that is...
  8. R

    Seedlings "frozen in time"

    Fungus gnats? Notice any small gnats near the light warrior bag. Bagged soils can become contaminated with fungus gnats. And those stores can remain contaminated. If it is gnats. Micob-lif mosquito control BT will clear it up quick.
  9. R

    Wilting leaves. Any suggestions?

    Looks like a micronutrient deficiency. Copper possibly?
  10. R

    Need some advice

  11. R

    Single Branch Issue - Strange Bud Formation and abnormal trichome production.

    Reminds me of HTLV or other virus or viroid. Its compartmentalized so not likely genetics.
  12. R

    Cal Mag?

    Not enough likely. Both low in phosphorus. Both lack calcium as well. Gonna need rock phosphate for slow release phosphorus and high phosphorus guano.
  13. R

    Dealt with anything like this? Plz help before it’s too late.

    You're ok. It just looks like translocation of nutes from fan leaves to buds. Phosphorus is the key deficiency showing. Doesn't mean you under fertilized. Look at your buds. They're very nice.
  14. R

    Cal Mag?

    Manure is good. Slow release is good. What are they exactly.
  15. R

    Curled and twisted new growth

    And check the water.