Recent content by TryinGrowinGreen

  1. T

    Im Growing From Seeds

    Why flourescent and not 45 watt house hold bulb
  2. T

    Growing Stages Information

    So i need two ph test kits lol
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    Growing Stages Information

    Dads dead but trust me u dont hurt mine or his feelings lol
  4. T

    Im Growing From Seeds

    I have 4 plants starting from seeds and im just startinf what kinda light do i need and how long and how far from plants?
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    Tell Me If Im Wrong Or Right

    I am using 2 by 5 by 6 closet i have two 75 watt household lights in old 30 gallon fishtank i know lights are wrong and im working on that this weekend but how much does this ph level stuff cost and how do i use it i just need to know simple questions i know i can find them in other forums but...
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    plant food?

    Im growing in soil found in building my dad used in garden and he used good shit my first 2 -1 plant had fertilizer in bottom of pot -2nd plant had got about 5 inches and i put fertilizer on top and it died in about 30 minutes i am not good with the ph level stuff i need simplest way i dont want...
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    Growing Stages Information

    about 25 plants in case i mees up i have more to work with i just got closet garden about 2 by 5 by 6 i just want about1 pound
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    Its sad when potheads dont help POTHEADS

    and that crickitmd is a little shit starter
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    Its sad when potheads dont help POTHEADS

    if i get 4000K cool white and 3000K warm white is that right for growing
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    Its sad when potheads dont help POTHEADS

    im not callin names im just in hurry i like to get good at things quick
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    question for all the bigtime playa's

    hey shit starter i dont want problems i cant get plants over 8 inches help me out
  12. T

    Growing for first time

    At vegitative state i need what kinda light? 24 hours of light and what kind of plant food constant air Dont want tall plants just 5 or 6 short plants