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  1. kushmonster

    Glass Water Pipes

  2. kushmonster

    Glass Water Pipes

    Just wanted to mention a website that I picked up my Zong from, Prices are real reasonable and there pretty good about delivery time....
  3. kushmonster

    Sodium Bisulfate?? Help please!!

    Just picked up some PH minus for a pool, the active ingredient in Sodium Bisulfate. Can I use this to correct my PH level??? Dont want to harm my plant!!!!!!
  4. kushmonster

    12/12 from seed question

    I started another grow 12/12 from seed, now being that the plant is basiclly flowering from the start, when its time to feed it should it be something thats higher in P and lower in N like If it was flowering????
  5. kushmonster

    Houston we have a problem!!

    So Im looking at my 1 plant and to my suprise I found a fuckin seed!!!! after further investigation only found a few of them on the lower branch buds(popcornbuds) none on my top colas, 50 days in and trichs are milky with a cpl amber, If I leave her in there will she harm my other plant??? is...
  6. kushmonster

    Losing all my fan leaves!!!

    Here are a few pics of my 2 girls 6 weeks into flowering and im losing all my fan leaves on the bigger of the 2 plants, trichs are cear/milky with some amber ones, hairs are 20% red, my smaller 1 is starting to do the same thing!! Now I know its natural for some of the fan leaves to yellow and...
  7. kushmonster

    How much for hash??

    How many grams of bud will take to make 5 grams of hash?? want to make some and im gonna use the silk screen method, thks:peace:
  8. kushmonster

    Unsulphured Molasses???

    Is there a big diffrence between blackstrap and unsulphured Molasses, I picked it up at the store but if its not the right one, dont want to damage my plants, does anyone out there use molasses in the final weeks?? comments on the final results?? Thanks:peace:
  9. kushmonster

    5th week flowering Pics

    I have 2 plants 5 weeks into flowering, on my bigger plant the hairs are starting to turn red, the smaller plant are still all white. Im wondering how much longer I have to go, checked a bud on my big plant yesterday, trichs were milky with a cpl amber, so I snipped it off and im water curing...
  10. kushmonster

    Kushmonster Round 2!! going 4 for 4!!

    As some of you may know I planted 2 seeds awhile back and now I have 2 beautiful girls 5 weeks into flowering:blsmoke: Just put some new pics up so check em out, I planted 2 more seeds last week and here they are lets see what round 2 brings, bongsmilie
  11. kushmonster

    Pollen pics anyone??

    Does anyone have any microscopic pics of pollen?? Just found out my 1 plant had some balls forming, and a couple opened, looked through my 60x microscope and seen these little clear/whiteish balls on the leaves of both plants, I know thats what it probably is:cry: but have nothing to compare it...
  12. kushmonster

    Drooping leaves and dont please

    OK so yes my leaves are drooping on my larger female, 2 weeks into flowering....and I know its a sign of over/under watering, but this just started happening and I watered (the same amount as I usually do) 2 nights ago, Is there any other things that can cause this other than the watering...
  13. kushmonster

    Question about femm seeds

    I read on here that femm seeds are produced by hermies, so you do take a chance on getting a hermie plant from femm seeds, is there really any truth to this:confused:If thats the case I think I would rather take my chances with reg. seeds....
  14. kushmonster

    Retarted Leaves

    When I looked at my girls today I found that all the new leaf growth is all retarted looking and other leaves are pointing almost straight up!!dont know what this could be caused from, has anyone experienced this problem?? they are 2 weeks into flowering, Please help me!!
  15. kushmonster

    2 weeks into flowering

    here are a cpl pics of my ladies 2 weeks into flowering... How they lookin???
  16. kushmonster

    Mg deficiency??

    I have a question about cutting bad leaves, My 1 plant is 14 days into flowering and I think I have a Mg deficiency problem, Im folar feeding with epson salt to try and correct, my question is should I cut off the infected leaves?? And does this look like Mg defecinecy?? read growfaq on plant...
  17. kushmonster

    Flat White vs Gloss white???

    Need a lil help guys... Which white spray paint has more of a reflective surface, flat, semi gloss or gloss??? thks:peace:
  18. kushmonster

    Clones on 12/12??

    I have 2 plants 10 days into flowering can I stll clone off them?? If so would I be able to just start them on 12/12?? Or do they need to veg awhile?? only have 1 grow area and wondered if this can be done....:peace:
  19. kushmonster

    Electrical Ques. If I can help someone I will...

    I've been a member here for almost a month now and I see alot of people asking electrical questions... I've been an Electrician for about 10yrs now so if someone has a question pertaining to electrical or wiring, I'll be happy to help if I can
  20. kushmonster

    Garden Safe Insecticidal Soap

    Does anyone have any experience with this stuff, picked it up but not sure about using it, made by Schultz, have a fungus gnat problem(lil black thing running around on my soil), threw some sand down on top of my soil..Does anyone have any info on how these fuckers come to be??? Or if thats what...