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  1. Sneex

    400w HPS Orange Cookies

    Quick update they are stretching like crazy so i went ahead and installed the 2nd SCROG Net for help with aupport. Some of the branches are pushing thru the second net alreqdy I i didnt say this before in the last post the day after switching it to 12 12 i stopped feeding with dyna grow - Grow...
  2. Sneex

    400w HPS Orange Cookies

    Really? They seem to be loving it and seems anymore its gonna be to hot in that tent so how is it possible for me to bring the temps down to run bigger lights? Please lmk whats wrong with my setup so i can progress
  3. Sneex

    400w HPS Orange Cookies

  4. Sneex

    400w HPS Orange Cookies

    Universal indicator? Im not sure what ur talking about but im def interested
  5. Sneex

    400w HPS Orange Cookies

    Quick update plans seem to be doing great. I was able to flatten out the canopy and let others catch up by using the net. It seems to be going great today is the first day that the plants have been on 1212 I’m currently trying to figure out an area in my house that I can do some clones at with...
  6. Sneex

    400w HPS Orange Cookies

    I only mix 5gal of water and nuits at a time tho so wouldnt it cost allot then?
  7. Sneex

    400w HPS Orange Cookies

    Its a 4x4x6 this thread is my current grow thats happening now
  8. Sneex

    PH Probe Help Please

    For now since i ran out of solution i put it in 7.0 solution which has been working great and doesn’t evaporate like the other did but im going to try getting more kcl or whatever and put it in the cap of the probe when closing it
  9. Sneex

    PH Probe Help Please

    I spoke to one of my buddies, and he said I should actually be putting that storage solution inside of the cap when i close the probe the reason its doing that is bevause all the water is evaporated and left everything else behind
  10. Sneex

    PH Probe Help Please

    Its actually a ac infinity ph meter and ill def try to find a container to close it off to help evaporating i use it pretty often every ffew days since i only use a 5 gallon bucket to make my water in with nuits before watering
  11. Sneex

    400w HPS Orange Cookies

    Yeah but i dont have money and i have a led from viosun it someshit its okay i did a grow on here with it go check it out but this time i vegged with the led and now im gonna flower with the hps
  12. Sneex

    400w HPS Orange Cookies

  13. Sneex

    400w HPS Orange Cookies

    Update: they are starting to poke up out of the SCROG NET
  14. Sneex

    PH Probe Help Please

    Never used drops before
  15. Sneex

    PH Probe Help Please

    And it works?
  16. Sneex

    PH Probe Help Please

    Mind showing me a link to it?
  17. Sneex

    400w HPS Orange Cookies

  18. Sneex

    PH Probe Help Please

  19. Sneex

    PH Probe Help Please

    I have groline storage solution and i out enough to have the node under water right but within a day or two the liquid starts the turn to crystals and evaporating i have a 120ml bottle its alrdy basically gona after like two week maybe three why is this and thats gonna be sooooo expensive to...
  20. Sneex

    400w HPS Orange Cookies

    PLEASE HELP I have groline storage solution and i out enough to have the node under water right but within a day or two the liquid starts the turn to crystals and evaporating i have a 120ml bottle its alrdy basically gona after like two week maybe three why is this and thats gonna be sooooo...