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  1. Sir Napsalot

    Scotch Whisky / Bourbon Whiskey thread

  2. Sir Napsalot

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    People give me so much fresh produce I have to turn it down
  3. Sir Napsalot

    What did you consumer fucks buy today?

    I had a German Shorthair named Ginger when I was a teenager in Joseph, Oregon She was incredibly athletic and would run along side me on my Hodaka Wombat 125 @ 40 mph for about a half mile One time we boarded her at a kennel in Enterprise, Oregon which was 6 miles away while we went on a week...
  4. Sir Napsalot

    What did you consumer fucks buy today?

    Burrs, huh?
  5. Sir Napsalot

    Computer Thread

    I have to get my printer going again- the head is clogged from disuse. If I squirt a little alcohol in the orifices with a pipette and then install new ink cartidges and run the cleaning routine I'm pretty sure it'll work as I've done that before to good effect My printer prints directly on...
  6. Sir Napsalot

    Got guns?

    I remember when those first came out- one of their selling points was that the bottom cylinder fired instead of the top as in most revolvers, keeping the barrel more in line with the hand meh
  7. Sir Napsalot

    Computer Thread

    I'm running Windows 7 and a version of firefox I haven't updated in a couple of years and all my shit runs fine
  8. Sir Napsalot

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    I have that same bench, although I painted it green as per Lady Napsalot's request, which I cannot deny
  9. Sir Napsalot

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    I can throw objects (mostly Bic lighters) in the air and catch them with my eyes closed It's actually pretty impressive- people think I'm cheating, but I'm not
  10. Sir Napsalot

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    I practice seeing with my eyes closed- I'm pretty good at it too
  11. Sir Napsalot

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    Om mani padme hum
  12. Sir Napsalot


    I went to helo pilot rescue school in Japan I was the proximity suit guy because I was skinny and nimble
  13. Sir Napsalot

    Watching Cops from 2002 on TV

    Most normal people don't feel a need to assert their authority over others On the other side of the coin, (pun intended) being a cop pays quite well for the level of education required
  14. Sir Napsalot

    Watching Cops from 2002 on TV

    That's why it went off the air- it was a blaring expose' of wrongdoing by law enforcement
  15. Sir Napsalot

    Watching Cops from 2002 on TV

    The show COPS routinely showed cops breaking the law
  16. Sir Napsalot

    What did you accomplish today?

    I met with the orthopedic surgeon regarding my fractured humeral neck and ruptured bicep and was informed that my bicep was not in fact ruptured (yay!), and that I would not need surgery as the bone was healing, albeit rather slowly. Physical therapy was prescribed
  17. Sir Napsalot


    I lived here 20 years before I got allergy symptoms, and then they were not severe, but definitely bothersome- Fluticasone has been helpful
  18. Sir Napsalot

    URGENT Help needed I burnt my plants with peroxide week3 flower

    +1 I've never soaked the buds with it though, just spot-treated for light PM
  19. Sir Napsalot

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    Nice bedside manner, remembers Massachusetts- 4 stars
  20. Sir Napsalot

    Examples of GOP Leadership

    Not to mention her stunning sense of design