Recent content by Billytheluther

  1. Billytheluther

    Salvia great every time

    Wtf dude that was poetic.. My most memorable experience with salvia was being cloned 1000’S of time like i was plastic that stretched out to the next clone on a conveier belt much like the image posted.. scarry as hell
  2. Billytheluther

    Stem snapped, need some pointers; PLEASE!

    Yes, as mentioned itll be fine. Try and support it with stakes if possible and wrap some tape around the wound.
  3. Billytheluther

    RS-11 dried and cured

    Looks nice dude, good trim.. what was the yield like?
  4. Billytheluther

    Seedlings need something. What?

    Your doing coco outdoors? Im sure they could use some nutrients, i feed from day 1 in hempys.
  5. Billytheluther


    I soak for up to 2 days maybe 3. The trick is to not stir the water (they will sink) and let them float the whole time so they dont drown. Wet your soil to field capacity prior to begin germination and when you see a tail go ahead and sow the seeds.
  6. Billytheluther

    Freeze dried flower?

    You may want to ask @curious2garden.. I had a question myself. Is that koolatron you use rigged up to keep the humidity at 60% humidity? may you please give us details on your setup, id like to just copycat it.
  7. Billytheluther

    Where the fuck is a good place to get a ph meter for hydro. I need a specific ebay seller

    My blue lab rarely gets calibrated and when it is its off by about the same, i wont argue with you about it taking a while for it to settle though.
  8. Billytheluther

    Stems on cuttings curling

    Looks like they are starting ti take root if you pay close attention, please keep us updated..
  9. Billytheluther

    Should this be Flowering ?

    Its possible its just showing sextual maturity, it may not be flowering
  10. Billytheluther

    Karma Genetics

    Got an order in the other day.. popped the pink bananas pack.. hope to get to the rest soon
  11. Billytheluther

    Freeze dried flower?

    You mind if i shoot you a dm on thT system, im very interested in something that’ll help take the guess work out
  12. Billytheluther

    Need advice on filter upgrade

    You can place fan out of ten with the reducer on the inside and connect to thatthose reducers are actually quite long so its not like the od will make a difference since the duct wont pass through the hole just the reducer
  13. Billytheluther

    How y’all like my little experiment?

    Never had nothing but problems last 3 runs with happy frog… im going back to hydro
  14. Billytheluther

    I want to squeeze 5 (final) pots into a 2x4 tent

    Try 5 2 gallon buckets ( homer buckets), they’ll fit in just fine plus its more like 3 gal of soil that fit. In them. Study and around 3 bucks a bucket
  15. Billytheluther

    Help! Vent system recommendations

    Yuo wat to pull air from the room to scubb it..