Recent content by DMChiz

  1. DMChiz

    Blaze & Daze

    That’s a mouthful for her name though innit? ;) Congrats!
  2. DMChiz

    Blaze & Daze

    Mazel Tov! Looks like a beautiful day to graduate! Big milestone :clap: Outdoor ladies survived their first night in the new digs. They seem quite pert and happy this morning. Off to basketball with youngest, then a revolving door of play dates, classmate’s birthday parties etc. Get out and...
  3. DMChiz

    Little baby seeds

    Yeah, sounds like naners. Essentially a stress response as a last ditch to procreate. Self roetilization (sp?)
  4. DMChiz

    Blaze & Daze

    These four ladies went outside today to start their journey. God Speed little Doodles :-D
  5. DMChiz

    Blaze & Daze

    Happy Birthday!!!!
  6. DMChiz

    Blaze & Daze

    There is a reason the TTC (Toronto Transit Commission) is often replaced with TTC (Take The Car)
  7. DMChiz

    Blaze & Daze

    Yeah, I live basically near Pape station, but then I’m like, wait, I have to wrangle three 7 year olds…..
  8. DMChiz

    Blaze & Daze

    My youngest is turning 8 next week, so I’m taking him and two of his buddies to the Jays game Sunday. That should make things fun - Fawk
  9. DMChiz

    Blaze & Daze

    Happy Fried-eh! Long ass short week if you ask me. Get out and enjoy my pretties :)
  10. DMChiz

    Blaze & Daze

    Mornin’ kids! I can almost smell Friday….
  11. DMChiz

    Blaze & Daze

    Went into the office today and took a freshly shorn Boomer with me. He rode shotgun for the first time and while it’s hard to tell from this, it might have been the greatest day of his life.
  12. DMChiz

    Blaze & Daze

    Figured the MJ jokes would start after the TeeHee fo sho!
  13. DMChiz

    Blaze & Daze

    We’re going there…?
  14. DMChiz

    Blaze & Daze

    Looks divine @Jeffislovinlife :cool:
  15. DMChiz

    Blaze & Daze

    Has anyone done the cayenne sprinkle in soil as a squirrel deterrent with weed?