Recent content by Farmer's Hat

  1. Farmer's Hat

    Need help on some seedling please :) Barneys blue cheese and tangerine dream - Outdoor grow in the Algarve Portugal

    I think its your soil. You need a better potting mix. Also, try using some molasses. 1 teaspoon of molasses per gallon of water. The molasses will lower the ph of your tap water and feed the plants some valuable nutrients and sugars. Feed them once a week. I'm pretty certain that the ph of...
  2. Farmer's Hat

    How to tell real purple weed from fake

    Place a frozen blueberry on a napkin... All the synthetic purple poisons will leach out
  3. Farmer's Hat

    F3 Valley Ice. (Matanuska x SFV OG)

    Wassup fellas. After a long hiatus, I am continuing my breeding project. I created the F1 hybrid in 2015, outdoors in a greenhouse. F2 and F3 were bred indoors over the course of 7 years. I will be making F4 seeds in a greenhouse this year. I will also be creating a few F1 hybrids with other...
  4. Farmer's Hat

    What is wrong with my plant?

    What soil are you using? Watering schedule? Feeding schedule? What fertilizer are you using?
  5. Farmer's Hat

    help asap w/ hermie question

    "Kill the hermie!" - Donald Trump
  6. Farmer's Hat

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    I am working on some hand puppets for an up and coming event. And this pick...
  7. Farmer's Hat

    Day 37 flower and no buds...?

    bad genetics... :( better luck next time
  8. Farmer's Hat

    Day 37 flower and no buds...?

    Timer issues? Might be worth investigating again. What if its not working properly? @Pat666 There are auto genes that produce larfy garbage. Hopefully u dont run into those. Even credible breeders produce bad seeds, it is beyond control. Breeding is predictable process, but only to a certain...
  9. Farmer's Hat

    Day 37 flower and no buds...?

    check your timer... if thats not it, then my guess is that its an Auto flower. OR just garbage genetics. I have grown thousands of plants from seed and I have seen something almost identical to this. The plant never produces any real flowers... it just looks stringy. Could be a mutation.
  10. Farmer's Hat

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    Week 3 of Fuck Berry. Fruity delicious bitch... Matanuska x blackberry kush
  11. Farmer's Hat

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    coupons for cannabis?!
  12. Farmer's Hat

    Clone Swapping?

    Seeds pose less of a risk for contamination. Its common for inexperienced growers to pass on unhealthy clones
  13. Farmer's Hat

    how many of you actually collect seeds

    I have way to many seeds. I hybridize just about everything. Once a good pheno comes along, I stop testing old seeds. close to 100 different hybrids. Not many f2... maybe like 6.
  14. Farmer's Hat

    Did I leave enough to reveg these plants?

    Sure. Feed her a lighter nute dose for a week or two. Once she has a lot of healthy growth, u can feed her a more concentrated dose.
  15. Farmer's Hat

    Did I leave enough to reveg these plants?

    Both, if u have enough vegging shoots that are growing strong.