Recent content by Fogdog

  1. Fogdog

    Fascism and the Republican Party

    Or kids when they are told it's nap time. First, there's drama then the acting out and finally a little peace and quiet.
  2. Fogdog

    Fascism and the Republican Party

    Senator Vance cites laws that he wants Garland to enforce against Judge Merchan without evidence that Merchan violated those laws. SENATOR VANCE CALLS FOR CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION INTO...
  3. Fogdog

    Fascism and the Republican Party

    {Insert here} Republican complaint that Democrats are "so divisive".
  4. Fogdog


    To the bolded text. An asshat WAS elected to office, he committed crimes and the third constitutionally authorized body of government is required to take action. What Trump has done goes beyond politics and is now a judicial matter. We've gone past the time when your "answer" can be applied...
  5. Fogdog


    At the end of the panel discussion, Scott Jennings simply dug in his heels, denied all evidence that conflicted with the party line he presented and then doubled down with the final act that fascists around the world fall back upon when confronted with the truth about their lies. He retreated...
  6. Fogdog


    How to avoid being prosecuted for committing financial records fraud in order to cover up a different crime? Don't do it. Regarding the question about the NDA being a legal fee. That was brought up in Trump's trial and shot down with a heavy load of evidence. The convicted felon has the...
  7. Fogdog


    People who didn't object to Trump's attack on the Capitol Building on Jan 6 were waiting for an excuse like this to give them permission to vote for him again.
  8. Fogdog

    Fascism and the Republican Party

    Leave it to Mike Johnson to say what we all knew Republicans were doing when they stacked that court with dominionists: The Supreme Court should intervene in former...
  9. Fogdog


    loved this bit in the article you linked to: Look, I’m no political strategist, but I’m not sure putting the presidential candidate who was just convicted on 34 felony counts in front of cameras to ramble like the drunk at the end of the bar for more than 30 minutes was a fantastic idea...
  10. Fogdog


    I read the article. It didn't seem biased, it simply reported what Trump's media organ was playing at the moment. What they are saying is most likely true. I don't doubt there was a surge in donations. I also don't doubt that it was pre-planned and accounts were primed for this very moment...
  11. Fogdog


    Here it is, the GOP propaganda campaign to raise money and defend once prisoner Trump and now felon Trump after yesterday's 32 convictions on charges of felony election interference is underway. Last night, when looking at main stream media reports about Trump's convictions, I noticed that...
  12. Fogdog


    Megan Kelly gives the rebuttal to the jury verdict that found Trump is guilty. Summary: "I'm disgusted at the democrats for politicizing the justice system" "but it wasn't murder, it was just tax fraud and who can understand it anyway and Obama forced an entitlement (the very popular ACA)...
  13. Fogdog


    Who is this guy, Michael Tyler and why doesn't he say more things like this? Biden Campaign: Convicted Felon Or Not, Trump's Still The GOP Nominee Michael Tyler, communications director of the Biden-Harris 2024 Campaign, released a statement noting that even as a convicted felon, Trump will be...
  14. Fogdog


    You aren't wrong in what you say but miss a whole 'nother side to this. Trump's acquittal would have been gold to his campaign. Even a hung jury would have been touted as a win by his campaign and endlessly used to voice grievance over election interference. But not only did NY's case against...