Recent content by Hook Daddy

  1. Hook Daddy

    Seedling help??

    I was thinking the same, they look ok other than small for 3 weeks. If that’s coco which it appears to be it looks very dry, should be at least moist, don’t let it dry. I assume there’s holes in the solos since they are dry. They need a little feed at this point as well, mix up some nutes...
  2. Hook Daddy

    Flower advice

    Yes, they should turn darker, brown or orange. Your plants look good, several more weeks to go, keep it up.
  3. Hook Daddy

    Thermoelectric wine cooler drying and curing - DIY

    The fins on the dehumidifier will have to get cold enough first to start condensing the water, so it’s not instant. Try a moist sponge or just one slightly damp towel first and give it a few minutes. Watch both the temp and rh and let us know what happens after 10 minutes or so. You want your...
  4. Hook Daddy

    Thermoelectric wine cooler drying and curing - DIY

    A few wet kitchen towels sounds like a lot of humidity. Perhaps start with one moist towel. Is the temp rising as well?
  5. Hook Daddy

    Spider Farmer Light Failing

    You could ask @Spiderfarmerled on here and see if they can help, by adding them to your post they will see you have a problem. Oh, I did it for you.
  6. Hook Daddy

    Thermoelectric wine cooler drying and curing - DIY

    Somewhere in the thread I posted a graphic with times it takes for mold to grow at different temps and rh, basically if you already have mold you already have a problem, if not it is almost impossible for it to grow in the amount of time we are drying. Edit: here’s what I was referring to, you...
  7. Hook Daddy

    Thermoelectric wine cooler drying and curing - DIY

    I have thought about it, mines not in direct light either though. The koolatron has uv blocking on the door already to protect wine, which is what you don’t want, but blacking it out can’t hurt either. I have some left over panda film, I might do it just for fun at some point.
  8. Hook Daddy

    Thermoelectric wine cooler drying and curing - DIY

    It can raise the temp slightly sure, but by a couple degrees Fahrenheit, so running at 55f it may go to 58 for a minute, but that fluctuation is probably not even in the temp sensors margin of error and certainly not enough to change a dry. In fact it is still below the normal theory of an...
  9. Hook Daddy

    Thermoelectric wine cooler drying and curing - DIY

    I don’t know why everyone thinks this is a problem, it’s not. Very easy fix, don’t run it too hard. If you read the Cannatrol manual it says it does the exact same thing. If it freezes back it off a bit, 30 seconds of your time and done.
  10. Hook Daddy

    Thermoelectric wine cooler drying and curing - DIY

    It might be tough with tin snips unless they are large, more like a bolt cutter. I think I used a jig saw with a metal blade then filed it smooth, but an angle grinder or reciprocating saw would work equally well.
  11. Hook Daddy

    Thermoelectric wine cooler drying and curing - DIY

    I used a neoprene disk from my cloner, I had to cut it a bit smaller, it was a tight fit and seems to work.
  12. Hook Daddy

    Thermoelectric wine cooler drying and curing - DIY

    I do believe some people have used the ac infinity controllers, I have not seen anywhere there was additional functionality, they used them because that’s what they already had, they were just using them as a humidity controller.
  13. Hook Daddy

    Thermoelectric wine cooler drying and curing - DIY

    I have never used sponges either and never had a problem with bud over drying.
  14. Hook Daddy

    Thermoelectric wine cooler drying and curing - DIY

    I don’t know if everyone will agree on one best setting, but I set my Inkbird at 1% difference, and if putting directly in from chop I set the rh at 76% and see how it goes. It’s usually a good starting point. If the dehumidifier can’t keep up you can raise the rh, but by starting at 76% it...
  15. Hook Daddy

    Thermoelectric wine cooler drying and curing - DIY

    No, the main problem with a compressor based cooler is they stuck too much humidity out very quickly turning buds crispy dry. That’s why people drying in compressor based fridges put the buds in pizza boxes or paper bags to keep humidity more even.