Recent content by Phytoplankton

  1. P

    Wild edibles

    You have ravens!!! How cool, they’re smart birds. I had a pet crow, also smart, but a lot smaller. I found him, must of been blown out of the nest. Had to teach him to eat and drink, and later to fly! I could put him in a tree walk away, then hold up a piece of dog food and he’d fly to me...
  2. P

    Wild edibles

    I remember 60 years ago, when I was a kid, my grandparents had a mullberry tree, actually on the neighbors property, but most of it hung over the fence. When we'd visit, I'd sit under that bad boy and chow down, de-lish!
  3. P

    Wild edibles

  4. P

    Flower advice

    I think 3-4 weeks, minumum. Probably more.
  5. P

    Any concerns for these 3 being different colors?

    More than likely just a pheno, happens all the time. Your plants all look healthy. I had three sunset sherbert, one was so purple it was almost black, one was green, the third was just a little purple, same seed pack.
  6. P

    Bud tops still growing, lower bud finishing!

    It’s foxtailing, (and it may be throwing “nanners”). Don’t judge ripeness by the foxtailing part, use the non foxtailing parts as your guide.
  7. P

    Bio buzz help

    Are you talking about Fox Farms liquid nutes? If so, no you can’t. They need to be mixed with water and PHed to around 6.2. You can’t dump them unmixed directly on the soil.
  8. P

    Transplanted from Root Riot --> Solo Cups and my babies look sick

    Those leaves are called cotyledons, the plant feeds off those leaves while the roots are developing, they always yellow and die, so no worries!
  9. P

    Transplanted from Root Riot --> Solo Cups and my babies look sick

    I don't see a problem, looks fine to me.
  10. P


    If those are really autos they should be going into flower any day now. 6 weeks for an auto not to be in flower is on the outside edge of normal.
  11. P


    The judge can use past violations of the gag order in sentencing, that is for sure. The normal process is for the judge to lift the gag order post verdict, though I do not believe the judge has done that yet.
  12. P


    Pretty sure the gag order expired when the verdict was reached. But we can hope!
  13. P


    Can’t really tell you without pictures.
  14. P


    Now is the time to throw some popcorn in the microwave and listen to all the excuses of why he's not guilty or why it's someone elses fault, even through he was found guilty on ALL 34 counts. Truthfully the jury didn't take a lot time to come back with a verdict on 34 counts, I've been a juror...
  15. P

    Tiny holes in leaves - Pest?

    My vote is thrips!