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  1. B

    Beige dutch buckets are ok?

    I have seen the Beto Dutch buckets come in either black or beige. I have seen a lot about how Roots do not like light. These beige buckets look like they would let light in especially when used with a net pot. So, Roots being exposed to light is not that big of a deal or there's some sort of...
  2. B

    Learning about all the different forms or hydro

    Can anyone recommend a good resource or video that explains and compares all the different forms of hydro? I've been doing a lot of YouTube University stuff but it's so random. I see there is non-liquid Hydro like growing in coco or hydroton, then there's the plumbing stuff like dwc, rdwc...
  3. B

    Converting DWC to RDWC

    Ok, I have the vivosun 4-site DWC kit. I want to convert this to a Rdwc so that I can have a main res outside the tent with my PH monitor and not have to maintain 4 individual buckets. Any recommendations? It seems Home Depot/Lowes don't really have the parts (tubing, bulkheads). I've been...
  4. B

    DWC water smells

    Ok, this is my first dwc experience. My seedling has one set of true leaves so far and I noticed one lone root finally hit the water. It's been about a week since the bean popped. It's in hydroton and I changed the res twice already (3 gallons in a 5gal bucket). I'm just using my tap water...
  5. B

    When to turn off drip ring?

    I just got the vivosun 4 bucket kit. This system has a drip ring that gets buried in the hydroton. What is the point of this? I assume I use it until the roots find the water. Do I turn it off then? Thanks
  6. B

    Fan setup & duration in tent

    Hi all, what does everyone do regarding their fans? How does this setup sound? : i have a 2x4 tent with a vivosun e6 oscillating fan blowing across the canopy. This runs during the 18 hours the lights are on. When the lights turn off I have a small 6" non-ocillating fan blowing towards the...
  7. B

    Grow with just hydroton in net cup?

    My seed is about to pop and I really want to run my first dwc grow, but my oasis plugs won't be here for another 5 days. Is it possible to start the seedling in coco, and then remove all the coco and just put the seedling by itself in the net pot held in place with the clay balls? Is this a thing?
  8. B

    Brown spots and fabric bag runoff?

    I mixed up my notes and now I have no history of this plant . It's royal dwaft auto from RQS. It's in a 50/50 blend of promix yellow garden bag and dr earth black bag. I understand it's pretty impossible to diagnose without history, so that's cool if you don't comment. But can someone PLEASE...
  9. B

    Vivosun DWC kit setup questions

    Hi all, first post! I just got the vivosun 4 bucket dwc kit. First foray into hydro. Got some questions: 1. The kit only came with 4 knob adjusters to control flow to the 4 air stones. I only plan on running 2 buckets. How do I shut off the air to the other 4 nozzles on the manifold? 2. I...