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    Return to the Passion

    Hello and nice to hear that! Will you share a photo of your garden?
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    Twisteds garden

    That's a hell of a plant, congrats!
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    Can anybody tell me what when I should harvest and what stage my plant is in

    They are looking fine but the images are blurred, just use the micro and see if the trichomes are milky. If you - you can harvest. If transparent - too early. If orange - too late. Simply as that
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    Early Red Hairs Ok? LSD not autoflower Week 6 Red Hairs on top.

    That's nothing, just the phenotype coloring, no worries man she's feeling well, just feed her and love her and she'll love you!
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    Canadian Stuff

    If you ask me, thus spring was rather cold so I personally had to delay my grow a bit
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    Dosing Calcium/Magnesium with RO

    I would probably suggest that depends on the strain you are going to grow and climate....might need to adjust
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    Choosing a rosin press

    That is a huge overkill, dont you think? :)
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    Time to harvest?

    It's always regretful to ditch the plant that took a lot of efforts...but sometimes it needs to be done. Be strong
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    MLB 2024

    I would watch baseball if they would let me smoke while watching haha
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    Seed germinating problems

    you can gently assist them with tweezers but be careful though
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    just dogs

    Doggo over doggo smoking doggo growing doggo with doggo
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    so does that end up bad for once or the plant is usually to behave as expected with this kind of training?
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    Is this good?

    that's a hell of a plant!
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    Brown spots and fabric bag runoff?

    the pH tests you can buy, but I thing your plant wants some potassium
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    If the medium has food in it, should I feed lightly every watering or every other watering?

    topping has always been a kinda risky stuff but rewarding
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    Not Another Grow Journal

    did you really painted the whole room reflectory white to turn it into a grow room?
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    Germinating for outdoor

    I would say like at 1-th of June or if you want to hold them indoors for some time and then transplant then you can do that in 2-3 weeks from today
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    Help with water flow of my setup

    That installation looks insanely well made already, I guess you don't have to change the valves, you can change the liquid content a bit to achieve your goal
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    What do plants like this yield roughly?

    One evening in big company hahahaha