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  1. hanimmal


  2. hanimmal


    The 200 (give or take) trolls Trump appointed to the federal benches are what I am worried about weakening our systems. I think this fell apart with Citizens United and ever since it has been a full on court press for the rich dickheads (foreign and domestic) using propaganda to tear us apart...
  3. hanimmal

    Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.

    "Insert joke about losing his personal Vietnam".
  4. hanimmal


    Its a good thing Biden has a lot more likelyhood of making sure Trump doesn't get elected. All is not lost. But that is like a teacher giving a spoiled brat an A in class that doesn't deserve it because they don't want them to cry to their parents and have to deal with all that. I really like...
  5. hanimmal


    Yeah it is almost like the person who is being convicted of all these crimes did them and then timed his presidential run about a year or two early on purpose to try to use them to help himself get elected.
  6. hanimmal

    Trump guilty on all counts.

    Now that he is a convicted criminal, how does that impact his other cases?
  7. hanimmal

    Trump guilty on all counts.

  8. hanimmal

    Hamas offensive against Israel

  9. hanimmal

    The renewable energy changes and policy
  10. hanimmal

    Hamas offensive against Israel
  11. hanimmal

    Hamas offensive against Israel

    Why would it be locked? I can't see why anything I have said would be so triggering that it would be necessary to not be able to talk about it. If you want to call it ignorant on my part im good with that, but I would also think that maybe it is just not understanding what it is I actually am...
  12. hanimmal

    Hamas offensive against Israel

    I think it might be worth rereading what I wrote, because I don't think it meant what you took it as. That is one of the hard things with communicating online, and one of the reasons trolling is so effective, people get programmed into the trap of missed context. I meant more that with the...
  13. hanimmal

    Hamas offensive against Israel

    The aid would be needed there regardless, I don't see how them closing their borders to deliveries is somehow different from Isreal's border being closed. "Even" Joe Biden like he is somehow everything bad that has ever been said about him. I disagree. You really think that in as small a area...
  14. hanimmal

    Stuff that doesn't really fit in either "Examples of" thread....

    Who hasn't been a little green out here and there from time to time.
  15. hanimmal

    Hamas offensive against Israel

    Thank you, it is so vague to not really say what's up. Because pretty much any nation at war fits that category. October 7th makes sense, because it was a specific attack where Hammas purposefully targeted citizens when they burned live grandmothers in their beds. But just the wide open...
  16. hanimmal

    Hamas offensive against Israel

    Who is reporting the 'crimes' that are occurring, is it based on information from Hammas? Which crimes are they actually charging Netenyahu with, and does anyone thing he would turn himself in?
  17. hanimmal

    Examples of GOP Leadership

    Make a inflammatory statement to rile up his base. Face backlash. Use your stupid statement as a way to 'own the libs' while hardening your base to what they are hoping is the new trigger word for them "MISINFORMATION/DISINFORMATION". Teaching his cult just enough about it so that when their...
  18. hanimmal

    Hamas offensive against Israel

    Is there any actual reporting coming out of Gaza that is not being ok'd by Hammas? Because I actually trust them less than anything Netanyahu has said, because Hammas are the assholes that burn grandma's alive in their beds and brutalize babies, not letting the Red Cross check on the people...