Auto Blue Mystic Twin Grow


Active Member
HeLLo, nice plants sir. I just harvested my regular blue mystic and got 2Oz. What is the high like for yours? For me I took 3 bong rips and didn't take effect. I predetermined that nirvana and blue mystic was weak. However the very next day I decided to roll a fat blunt. Boy was I wrong about the potency heheh
Hi an Cheers LWD.

Im pretty stoned right now, so im not sure if you posted 2 or 20 Ozs but either is a good harvest, so condrads on yours. The highs on both norhtern lights an Blue Mistic vary but it depends on when you harvest yoru tricomes.

The Northern Lights High.
I didnt really get much fo a high high feeling buzz, but then again i was less in tune with understanding the trciomes when i done both my twin Auto NL grows and my other past NL grow. so i could well produce a better set of tricomes if i got some seeds. I do Believe that NLs do pack a potent kick if you can get the right tricvome mixture. Im sure of it!.

The Blue Mystic High...
You will DEFINITLY get a fruity taste if its harvested at the right time. I managed to grab some popcorn buds early, and the buzz was pretty uplifting, but also had a relaxing keep you sitting back. But not a fulll on coachlock effect buzz. Thats really the best i can describe BM since its my first twin grow. but pop corn samples has given me evidence that youw ill get a uplifting to very full body relaxed buzz. IF the triomes are int he right %.

Now you talk about jumping from bongs over to blunts. I can actually level with you on that,.. Ive been a fan of herb with a little cigarette since i was in my teens! An whenever i tried bonging weed i didnt get the same full on buzz i get even today when blunting my herb. HOWEVER i do get the same buzz when bonging or blunting hash.

But when it comes to herbal flowers i get the best buzz overall, by mixing some herb with some cigarette.

Then take a nice long toke. HOLD that puppy in your lungs for as good 10-20 seconds. Breathe out an then tell me if you dont feel a nice buzz. Cause thats how i smoke herb an i get a dam good hard fast strong buzz almost instantly the longer i hold in my tokes. An the occasional chokeathon session if the herbs got the cheese feel to it.


Active Member

Poor things look like they were attacked by a OCD weed smoker like myself. Shame there gonna shrink in size.
Ive not got a clue abotu dry weight guessing so im not sure. but fi i get atleast an OZ out if this then im content for a week(hence the need to upgrade)

Tired stoned an bedding my needs.



Active Member
If i could get a quick painless Labotimy then i would be cured for life! lol

Got some wire mech an bambo sticks an twisty ties so SCroG could well be a possibility in future grows now ive got plant support an things are beginning to slowly fall into place.

Out of all Autos ive grown, Bm seem to stand out above the rest by having the most light weight fluffyest buds ive come across. I aint never seen buds dry out as well as BM does. Sampling some of it now to see if it effects the taste.


Active Member

Well i dont know about you but my eyes are still seeing fat nuggets after just 2 days, and they all feel light a fluffy. Weight guess IF they dont shrik much more atleast 1oz minium off the lady on the right.

So a poossible dry target weight of 2 ozs we will have to see.

The sample i had yesterday with a welcoeming uplifting buzz which slowly progressed, into a relaxing body buzz. There wasnt much of a hint of berrys but them samples did dry out over my toaster for an eager pre smoke taste.

I will have to give them 24hrs drying without the fan going. Because i got confirmation that my ceiling will be finally getting finished tomorrow by a team of 3 workers instead of 1 person. But the natrual drying method in pure darkness will do them fine.

Now im off to move funiture ive begun to hate moving threwout this year all around my flat for the last time, i hope.


Active Member
il get a hand behind the main cola close up tomorrow cause my drying rooms been hidden away until after reapirs are done. but they do feel very light weight so they must be drying out very well.

If i clear out my frontroom now i wont need to quietly move it around during the early hours. plus this way only 1 sofa needs moving which is better as i need somewhere to veg out before they arrive.


Active Member

Miss Righty still FAT yet not feeling heavy.

Miss Lefty.

My hand behind Miss rights main cola.

A few smaller buddys trimmed off there parents.

The 2013 Auto Blue Mystic Family Portrait!

My only question...

They cant still be this big after 4 days of drying. To see how intenrally moisture levels were like, I managed to break stesm on b oth ladys with mimal ppressure lol

Sniff test on them reveals some berry hitn mainly on miss lefty the more bushy of the 2. Miss Right im not sure, maybe she needs some curing time i guess.

SO tomorrow il do a final stem snap check on both ladys. and if the stems both break instantly again. I think its jarring time.

ive just rolled one of 2 baby buds when i took these pics half hour ago so about reap a mini non cured reward.


Well-Known Member
Looking well, sounds like it should be ready to be jarred up anytime now.

Let us know how that smoke turns out!


Well-Known Member
That post you linked about defoliation is very very interesting....might be tempted to try. Looks like I came in on the end of this grow! Are you going to start any new beans soon?


Active Member
Looking well, sounds like it should be ready to be jarred up anytime now.

Let us know how that smoke turns out!
Jarred them both up an hour ago mate. Pics included below.

Theres definitly some uplifting feeling going on here, but no taste of the berrys i smelt all over miss Lefty. Maybe the berrys due to arrive during curing. I do get the generally overal relaxed type of feeling to, so im guessing energetic type of buzz can be expected from Bm.

That post you linked about defoliation is very very interesting....might be tempted to try. Looks like I came in on the end of this grow! Are you going to start any new beans soon?
Theres multiple mixed opinions debated on most defolication threads on all fourms i check out...

But if your growing mutiples of the same strain at once. I dont see why defolicating one out of the bunch cant do any harm. as you will see the difference between them as they grow an come harvest time your see the end result of trimmed vs non trimmed.

But even if your curious about just do alot fo reading to be fully sure you no as much about it as possible before hand as its ideal.

Seeds I have left...

1x Auto Blue Mystic
3x Kaia Kush Femmed

My plan ideally is upgrade to 400w hydro with wilma system an grow out my final auto BM seed to break me into my first hydro grow. And then i would concider possiby growing out x3 Kaia Kushes together. under a homde made SCroG in a grow tent kit.

Until then i cant do anymore grows until i get more bloom nutes an soil if i stick to 125 or credit card arrives so i can get a wilma big 4pot system an growtent kit.

i have to find out how bad the leaking in my bedroom ceiling is before i make an phisical plans. as it might also be another asbesto removal job. an that means my whole bedrooms gonna be cleared out an ceiling torn down same as front room was just finished being done.

But i gots me ScroG bits so thats a perk as its cheap to ge thr stuff needed for a hoem made ScroG screen.

I think ive been defilicating since 2012 as thats when i began posting my auto NL diarys on here. just chekck my threads posted list on my porifle for links.

An now for what we all enjoy waiting to hear!


Active Member

The small center tub has about 2 8ths in it an 1 ready to roll an a pre rolled baby cone.

Miss Left in the left jar. Approxamately 120 grams
Miss Right in the right jar. Approxamately Over 120 grams

Both jars hold upto 200 grams each, My dry weight is pretty spot on since Both refused point blank to fit into single 100 gram jars, even with a little pushing they wouldnt go in.

So im guessing overal weight of both ladys. maybe 245 grams ?

p.s Even picked up a big 1kg jar of polifilla to fill up about 2 million different bgaps an wholes all over this old flat of mine.


Well-Known Member
Get your weights straight; the two jars on the side hold (at tops) 12.0 grams each; not one hundred twenty (120) grams each - I can't even ready this thread right now and I grow the best B.M. in the state... Fix that craziness and I'll get back to you...

Illegal Wonder

Well-Known Member
^Ya, those don't look like quarter pounds... Could be smoke and mirror's. Well it's definitely smoke, but you know what I mean....^

Illegal Wonder

Well-Known Member
Seems like I've been watching these Autos forever! lol.

20 to 21 weeks is a long time to wait, you have great patience. My first Auto finished up on week 9-10, but my amber was only around 5-10%.

40% amber should knock you on your ass pretty well.
Ya, that's some patience... I was reading a thread the other day, buddy was 18 weeks into FLOWER at the end of his grow. That's insane patience... I've got 3 weeks left of 8 and I'm getting antsy.


Active Member
snip offa pop corn bud an give a test smoke. it should take longer than a few days to dry out a small bud. toaster are useful early drying buds.

as for how long autos can go i think you need to let your plants tell you how there coping. thats why i left mine as long as i did. if they seem happy keep them going. if they seem off colour they maybe ready to chop.

all this talk is bugging me as i want me huge hydro setup im paitently awaiting to be in my hands lol

Illegal Wonder

Well-Known Member
I dont get it... why Autos indoors?
Well reasons I can think of:

Speed of harvest (not in this case but you know what I mean)

Running auto's with photo's you can harvest twice in 1 tent/room on one schedule (I've been thinking about this. Run 2 Photo's 1 Auto and harvest every 2 months)

Running 1 auto in your grow can show Def earlier than your Photo's (I've read people using this method)

For the experience. I like learning new things, do you?


Active Member
autos if your fimilar with them will flower regardless of light cycle, so youd need to add the autos later in the non autos growing to keep both autos an non autos all at teh same height if possible. but thats a good idea there IllegalWonder

by the why IW dont post if you wanna rip my gows with there all fake an smoke an mirrors cause the pics show where i grow and my grows were posted on mutiple sites to get more exposure. THC was the first fourm i joined but smoke an mirror claims will make me less likely to stick to posting my diarys here to ensure newbies dont get help from me the who you claim might be a smoke an mirror grower.