We do grow in HS


Well-Known Member
One day I'll get the Method 7 lens filter for my camera. Until then I just correct in PS. I rarely take pics under the lights so it's not a priority.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
One day I'll get the Method 7 lens filter for my camera. Until then I just correct in PS. I rarely take pics under the lights so it's not a priority.
I would love to live in the kind if luxury where a lens can ever be considered a priority lol. Toys are toys in the end. They are fun things though.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Ah well I might as well throw up some pics of the ladies and join in the fun on this thread. Turning out to be nice runs both indoors and out. One or two pics from the last run indoors:

Some of the Gage test gear now heading for week 3 in flower

Lemon Thai x Freedom Baby

Afghan Haze x Paki Chitral Kush (pics taken from eye level)

My keeper phenos from the Dream Beaver run. You guys will get to know 'Milla' pretty well, and her sister 'Fruit Salad'. Honestly some of the best weed I have ever grown in every regard. Insane vigor, flavor and power. Super uplifting, will have your feet off the ground and heart pounding if you are not ready for it.

Here is Milla

And here is Fruit Salad

This is The Wicked Witch Of Las Vegas. A Las Vegas Bubba that eagle claws no matter what. She looks downright evil at the finish. And gawds is she potent. I haven't managed to finish a joint. A bong is bedtime for sure. Nerve pain killer. Total hitman indica.



Well-Known Member
Kali Mist 31 days into flower. She's already getting frosty. If she keeps this up for the next two months I will be a VERY happy duck!



Well-Known Member
Exodus cheese x OG Kush under the microscope. This is a very sensitive strain, i couldnt raise my ec over 0.6 last run cause it was already clawing.



Well-Known Member
that fruit salad is nice!
should be cloning some k.m. on sunday duck..lets get it on! summer summer time! makes me feel so good!


Well-Known Member
well no cloning of the Kali mist since my partner threw it in the flower room without asking..ex partner now..heres some pot pornIMG_20140224_112545.jpg

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Few things top Kali Mist taken to 100 days. One of my all time favorites. Mate of mine grew out a Kali Bubba (no points for guessing what it is) that also looked insane. Took over 110 days to finish though. There was not really anything to trim off. Might as well have been a growing ball of hash.


Well-Known Member
You can still get clones Rory! There's going to be some lanky useless branches down low that need removal anyway.


Well-Known Member
yeah it just sucks its the really the nicest one I had..very vigorous..they didn't throw the other four into flower so I actually have some cuts..thanks though brother duck!


Well-Known Member
yes I wanted to clone and sex at first but I'm pretty sure the way it grows it looks like a female I'll find out in about 5 more days I guess..I'll have to substitute a Pinch hitter from the other 4..


Well-Known Member
Pineapple 11BX at 60 days. I really liked the lighting in this shot.

Then Mrs Duck helped me fix it in photoshop then got rid of the hair.

Kali Mist 39 days. Frosty girl


Well-Known Member
i think my Kali mist won't yield as much since it was thrown into flower it way too early,I wanted her to be at least 2 foot tall..oh well..all yours are looking great duck!