"fake weed" formulas? suggestions & ideas please


New Member
I've seen this posted all over the internet...nobody has a great idea or anything, it's pretty widely asked.

What is a good,cheap, real looking formula to make something that resembles marijuana enough that it could be used to prank people, or sell, or use in productions.

I've heard/used oregano, thyme, dillweed, and a few other things.

but i think if this thread gets some good suggestions this question can be put to an end.

one question i have myself is "how can i get the spices and mix to stick together?"
i want to make the spices together to look like buds

and pretty much all i did was take the spices above, put equally in a baggy, and shook it up. I've sold dimebags to 5th grade puerto rican kids around my block.

oh one last thing...i doubt this will happen but please don't shun down on anybody who posts here or gives ideas, yes this is shady but who honestly cares.


New Member
to "hustle" kids

you could try it, but if ur just gonna toss it is mailing it illegal? i'd take it off ur hands


Well-Known Member
idk about trying to sell fake weed if anything, tell em its a gram and give em .5, cause i kno damn weel if some on sold me fake weed (which would never happen)i'd hunt them down


New Member
i need to know how to make the oregano stick together for nuggs

and also anyone want to contribute to making a fake weed guide? let people aware of it and tell people how to make and sell it


New Member
yeah i bought a bag of "mad dog weed" once when i was desperate and on probation. Worst stuff i ever smoked.

As a side note selling womething that your calling a pot is a crime believe it or not. They call it "sales of a fradulent substance" google it if you don't believe me. Feel pretty stupid sitting in jail for some fake pot now wouldnt you, and i can only imagine the charges they could come up with for selling it to a kid.

But since you will probably keep it up till one of the 5th graders gets his older brother to break your legs or you get in trouble, consider going to a smoke shop and buying some of there legal smoke, bag it up as normal but keep the original package with you and call it whatever it says on the bag, that way you can at least avoid arrest, but i'm guessing your probably not old enough to get into a head shop huh?

Your idea is a really bad one, i doubt you will find much help here, this forum was not setup to help people hustle little kids. it's for adults to discuss cultivation. So you better go i think i just heard the bell ring.


Well-Known Member
Dude I agree, Karma is going smack you right upside your stupid head sooner or later..maybe not weed related but in some way or another..what goes around surely comes around...My guess is its going to be something health related because did you ever stop to think "hey those kids are really going to try and smoke that, and your not fuckin supposed to smoke that shit" Dude get a job for real... how low are you bro? Your the type of people i would love to get my hands on if I ever saw you walking down the street..SCUMMY!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
i was gonna ban the original poster then i saw all the positive replies. i would have had to ban them all. i'll just let them take a good beating instead of a banning. :)