

Well-Known Member
I keep hearing how HPS light is better than CFL's, So if I were to get a 400watt HPS system for a 3x3 and 5 feet tall growbox to use for vegging and flowering it would produce more better quality and yield than using 6500k CFL for vegging and 2700k for flowering since they are the right spectrum?


Well-Known Member
ummmmm...well would it be better to use CFL's(6500k) during vegging and then switch to HPS for flowering or is it not really worth it?


Well-Known Member
ummmmm...well would it be better to use CFL's(6500k) during vegging and then switch to HPS for flowering or is it not really worth it?
Don't veg with a HPS - it causes too much internodal stretching - your plants get too tall. Also watching the lights on and off temperatures in veg too because a wide distance between those can causes stretching as well.

Plants in veg require a 1/4 of the light they require in flowering and your 6,500k CFLS will do a better veg job than the HPS.

Whilst it's perfectly true HPS puts out the correct light spectrum for flowering, the reason HPS is favoured for flowering over any other lighting source is simply because it outputs more lumens per watt than pretty much any other lighting source.

The spectrum output from a HPS is actually too red/orange for flowering and the best spectrum mix for flowering is something like 60/40 red/blue rather than the 80/20 red/blue the majority of HPS bulbs output. No doubt this statement will spark more controversy from those who think they know better.


Well-Known Member
you will see results much faster vegging with a hps, then using cfls, even if there spectrum is more correct, maybe not faster root growth but def faster leaf growth, make sure you can cool that hps down and strecthing wont be a problem.


Well-Known Member
make sure you can cool that hps down and strecthing wont be a problem.
Stretching will always be a problem with HPS simply because it's the wrong spectrum - heat just makes it worse.

Plants do generally grow faster with HPS than they do with say 6,400k cfl's but speed isnt everything and quality is just as important. If you're growing Sativas or Sat doms, the last thing you want is even more stretching then you get already and that's exactly what you'll get when vegging with HPS. For the sake of a week or so's veg - much better longer term results can be achieved by vegging with the correct light spectrum.

I know this flies in the face of the 'grow em as fast as you can brigade and throw in as much co2 and wrong spectrum lights as you can' but some of us out there actually DO care about quality as much as quantity.


Well-Known Member
"much better longer term results can be achieved by vegging with the correct light spectrum."

how so? a leaf is a leaf. what makes the quality of cfl grown leaves better than hps?


Well-Known Member
The spectrum output from a HPS is actually too red/orange for flowering and the best spectrum mix for flowering is something like 60/40 red/blue rather than the 80/20 red/blue the majority of HPS bulbs output. No doubt this statement will spark more controversy from those who think they know better.

so what makes you no any better then anyone else then babygrow?

you can now veg under hps due to there dual spectrum bulbs


Well-Known Member
so what makes you no any better then anyone else then babygrow?
Because I've done more research than most people?

you can now veg under hps due to there dual spectrum bulbs
Oh really? How interesting.

Firstly, there's no such thing as a 'dual spectrum bulb' they don't output just two colour spectrums.

Secondly, the phrase 'dual spectrum bulb' is sellers/advertisers jargon to get people to buy more of these new wonderful 'dual spectrum bulbs', which don't exist. All bulbs are FULL spectrum bulbs, some just have enhanced blue or red spectrum or whatever, meaning they have an increased output in certain nanometer wavelengths, and that doesn't make them 'dual spectrum' either.

Even these 'enhanced spectrum' HPS bulbs don't put out the correct colour spectrum for ideal vegetative growth and still produce too much stretching.

You can veg under HPS bulbs and 'enhanced spectrum' HPS bulbs but for the best results you need to veg under either Metal Halide HIDs or 6,400k blue clf's or fluoro's for the best results.

Your choice.


Well-Known Member
While a Metal Halide would be preferred, cost is always a factor though. If you can afford an HPS light, with the "enhanced spectrum bulb" which is a very common bulb nowadays, most lights have them, use the HPS light.

So far as stretching is concerned.....I veg with the HPS and have never had a problem with stretching. I know we can argue this point til the cows come home, so I am going to end this with a picture of plants I vegged under an HPS, I think you'll agree, that there was no stretching at all. This plant is about 18 days of age in the pic, and I think you'll all agree it is not stretched.


Well-Known Member
While a Metal Halide would be preferred, cost is always a factor though.
All digital ballasts and pretty much all new Magnetic coil ballasts can run both HPS and MH bulbs, the only extra expense is the cost of the Metal Halide bulb, which in turn will simply prolong the life of your HPS bulb because you won't be using it as much so it's not really an additional expense.

So far as stretching is concerned.....I veg with the HPS and have never had a problem with stretching.
That made me laugh. Your Mazar plants first grow were all horribly stretched. Mazar is an almost pure Indica strain - Indicas grow small and bushy and rarely get much above 2-3 feet in height - god only knows how tall yours got to, so don't try and tell me your plants wern't stretched - they were and horribly.


Well-Known Member
Because I've done more research than most people?

Oh really? How interesting.

Firstly, there's no such thing as a 'dual spectrum bulb' they don't output just two colour spectrums.

Secondly, the phrase 'dual spectrum bulb' is sellers/advertisers jargon to get people to buy more of these new wonderful 'dual spectrum bulbs', which don't exist. All bulbs are FULL spectrum bulbs, some just have enhanced blue or red spectrum or whatever, meaning they have an increased output in certain nanometer wavelengths, and that doesn't make them 'dual spectrum' either.

Even these 'enhanced spectrum' HPS bulbs don't put out the correct colour spectrum for ideal vegetative growth and still produce too much stretching.

You can veg under HPS bulbs and 'enhanced spectrum' HPS bulbs but for the best results you need to veg under either Metal Halide HIDs or 6,400k blue clf's or fluoro's for the best results.

Your choice.

experience vs. research, this quote proves research isnt worth much.


Well-Known Member
this quote proves research isnt worth much.
Would you like to explain that? And was there something in that quote you didn't agree with, in which case would you like to comment why? Or are you one of these people who's all mouth and no trousers?


Well-Known Member
While you can use a conversion bulb,that is true. It surely is an additional expense.

Where do you believe that the mazar is stretched....theres a picture right in front of you. It is not stretched at all, nor did they stretch, ever. Please share the humor for all of us baby, point it out. I'd love to see the "horrible stretching" you refer to. We all would. Mine harvested at about 30 inches with a fantastic yeild too.

All digital ballasts and pretty much all new Magnetic coil ballasts can run both HPS and MH bulbs, the only extra expense is the cost of the Metal Halide bulb, which in turn will simply prolong the life of your HPS bulb because you won't be using it as much so it's not really an additional expense.

That made me laugh. Your Mazar plants first grow were all horribly stretched. Mazar is an almost pure Indica strain - Indicas grow small and bushy and rarely get much above 2-3 feet in height - god only knows how tall yours got to, so don't try and tell me your plants wern't stretched - they were and horribly.


Well-Known Member
Would you like to explain that? And was there something in that quote you didn't agree with, in which case would you like to comment why? Or are you one of these people who's all mouth and no trousers?

do i need to explain? your the one saying hps lights induce strecthing. perhaps you have something more concrete to base this off of? lol the "research"


Well-Known Member
fuck this static is not only entertaining but highly interesting as well! i just bought a 400 watt hps system so yeah, i'm intrieged lol


Well-Known Member
PS videoman... that plant up there...

how the fuck did you get that thing to stay so short and bushy lol