how do you party,if youve partied for 15 years straight?


Well-Known Member
So I'm not to the point I could make you a custom bong yet rory, but my shop mate is. He's been doing this for 15 years, and is great with glass. Let me know what you have in mind and I might be able to set something up.


Well-Known Member
Cool,we've shopped online but he's picky apparently..he's liked a few,but has this one perfect design,and wont settle for less(gotta respect a pothead like that :-D),but I fear his lack of some compromise will just result in him rolling joints forever..sad..cause no man should be without a bong :-D
Ill get him to draw a crude model out and send it to ya...:-D


Well-Known Member
in what 1947? :p
Actually the heyday of psychedelic research was in the 1950s until the ban in the 60s because hippies were using them and starting to question the status quo.

But here's some information on modern trials that have been extremely promising:

A convenient way to search for papers related to the subject is here:

And a quote that I liked from the LSD page:
Our recently completed Phase 2 pilot study in 12 subjects found positive trends in the reduction of anxiety following two LSD-assisted psychotherapy sessions. The study results also indicate that LSD-assisted psychotherapy can be safely administered in these subjects, and justify further research.

LSD is known for its ability to catalyze spiritual or mystical experiences and to facilitate feelings of interconnection. MAPS is interested in these substances for their potential to help people with a variety of conditions, focusing primarily on the treatment of anxiety associated with life-threatening illness, as well as for spiritual uses, creativity, and personal growth.


Well-Known Member
Sounds good Rory just let me know and we'll see what we can do. I understand being picky I went for years without a bong because I couldn't find anything that struck my fancy in a price range I could afford. Go figure thats still the only bong I have, but its mostly retired I only break it out once in a while.


Staff member
Actually the heyday of psychedelic research was in the 1950s until the ban in the 60s because hippies were using them and starting to question the status quo.

But here's some information on modern trials that have been extremely promising:

A convenient way to search for papers related to the subject is here:

And a quote that I liked from the LSD page:
Our recently completed Phase 2 pilot study in 12 subjects found positive trends in the reduction of anxiety following two LSD-assisted psychotherapy sessions. The study results also indicate that LSD-assisted psychotherapy can be safely administered in these subjects, and justify further research.

LSD is known for its ability to catalyze spiritual or mystical experiences and to facilitate feelings of interconnection. MAPS is interested in these substances for their potential to help people with a variety of conditions, focusing primarily on the treatment of anxiety associated with life-threatening illness, as well as for spiritual uses, creativity, and personal growth.
mreduck that was a joke...i thinkyou missed what i was implying by that


Well-Known Member
Sounds good Rory just let me know and we'll see what we can do. I understand being picky I went for years without a bong because I couldn't find anything that struck my fancy in a price range I could afford. Go figure thats still the only bong I have, but its mostly retired I only break it out once in a while.
Its so.simple,that's why he cant find one..just a 14in tube,nothing else,no ice catchers etc..he just wants a stemless downstem..with no percolators etc..


Well-Known Member
I saw the mention that it was a joke but felt it important to address anyway.
I am of the opinion that psychedelics are extremely valuable tools but they can be extrememly dangerous when used irresponsibly. Just like a chainsaw :)
Or,Just freaking awesome if you combine them with the chainsaw..:-D


Well-Known Member
Chainsaws...closes I've got to that is an axe n a dose...the sound of the wood splitting was amazing by the way and I can still feel the weird vibrations in my arm thinking about it...felt like a real paul bunyan

Mr. Bongwater

Well-Known Member
im 36 today.
ive never had a birthday party ever..ive never considered it since,well,lifes a party imo.
so,how shall i celebrate?
ive got 40hits of needlepoint,15hits of amber,2cb,dmt,mushrooms,quaaludes,mdma,mda,ketamine,moonshine,bho,honey oil,and pounds of dank..
any suggestions?(trolls keep your brokeback fantasies to yourself..)..
im really at a loss every year how to celebrate...and no this isnt a pity party:-)..i just never consider how ill celebrate...
get some cocaine into that mix and you'd be the next hunter s thompson haha :-P


Well-Known Member
No that's a good dose for a first timer.
Rory I tend to think of you hanging insulation more than playing with chainsaws. I guess it's easier to text then.


Well-Known Member
No that's a good dose for a first timer.
Rory I tend to think of you hanging insulation more than playing with chainsaws. I guess it's easier to text then.
Ahh,you forget the ducting/exhaust/waterchiller fiasco..lots of the added thrill of water and electricity!!
I kept it at a low roar...:-D