Help Please!


Hi All,

Need your help please for this case:
The plant is in flowering stage since 3 weeks and:
1. Cannot see the buds yet! (Images attached)
2. Leaf tips curving down in a weird way (Images attached)

Room Setup:
- Strain--> Silver Haze #9
- Medium--> Soil
- Temp--> High 32 C / Low 23 C
- Light: 400W HID
- Room space: 1.8 x 1.8 x 2.5 meters
- Humidity: 50%
- PH: 6.5 (was a bit low = 5.5 flushed 4 days ago)
- No Nutrients except seaweed (maxicrop 1 - 0 - 4) Two Times ONLY.

Any advise?

Thanks in advance growers.



Well-Known Member
It looks like overwatering to me, but it may be that your soil is not getting enough aeration. It still looks a little immature. I would think it would start flowering soon.


Well-Known Member
It looks like overwatering to me, but it may be that your soil is not getting enough aeration. It still looks a little immature. I would think it would start flowering soon.
Um.. What is the difference between over watering and not enough aeration?


Well-Known Member
Not enough aeration would be your roots not getting enough oxygen. It can be caused by overwatering, but it can also be caused by the soil being too heavy or compacted. If the soil is too compact, then the roots are starved of oxygen.


Well-Known Member
Not enough aeration would be your roots not getting enough oxygen. It can be caused by overwatering, but it can also be caused by the soil being too heavy or compacted. If the soil is too compact, then the roots are starved of oxygen.
That was a rhetorical question.


Well-Known Member
that plant is done, sorry to tell you that, but t looks heavy on the nitrogen,burn it up with N, most probably, smoked the root system,
tear down and start over again,
did it once to a few of my plants when I first started growing,using sea bird guano, good stuff but just cant use much of it or it will burn your plants up,
don't give up ,,just keep trying you will get it,there will be some bumps along the way and a few bruises,
just remember less is more,dont get carried away with the nutes
make the medium light , mix perlite into it,
if you are going to grow in dirt id recommend you read over in organics on sub cools super soil,it will take a little time to read through it all but it will be well worth it and you will be rewarded for doing so,
good luck to you,