DG's to be replaced by caregiver system?


Well-Known Member
imo it has nothing to do with lights,
lumens 100% so led, hps or t5 if the lumens are there with proper foods and heat , humidity and closeness to plants and a lot more. they might be close. ill veg for 4 months and use organic, while others will flip after 1-3 weeks. others have grown from seed and flipped after 2 weeks(this does work but dumb,imo)
now the same process and rooms ect and you might get close
some think 100 plants is better than 20 large girls, its the growers skills and knowledge.
there is so muvch to play into a grow you cant compare!
also a seed plant will produce 3/4 of the potential, a clone on its 3rd run will do better a 4 yr old clone will get weaker after yrs.


Well-Known Member
Both missed an important element.
Growers skill
Harvest n cure method

Light is hands down one of the most important factors but everyone uses the amount of wattage differently too.
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Well-Known Member
well genetics and cure is just part of the finish process that any skilled grower would naturally do!!
with bag seed you get what you get, with fem its a toss up, id never use fems. but I can breed
just like id do my own cloning and never take any clones from anyone else, even if they say its bug free, bs


Well-Known Member
My point is more that you cant throw a certain wattage on the board and assume to know how many grams people will get out of it.

For instance if they said you can only use 3000 watts for your garden i guarantee almost everyone will use those 3000 watts differently and the harvest numbers would be all over the map. Because every garden/situation is as different as the persons goals.


Well-Known Member
it is a weed and it will grow in a ditch and if you concentrate it you can get what ever THC percentage you need
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redi jedi

Well-Known Member
There is no other way to determine yield...period.

If johnny has 2 lights and jimmy has 1...johnny will always grow more weed..prove me wrong.


Well-Known Member
ive heard the l.e.d reports, by a killer usa grower is equalling the weight of hps.
all from a pile of l.e.ds, new technology.
id say no way on anything beating hps.
leds would be fluffy imo, not solid rocks.


Well-Known Member
There is no other way to determine yield...period.

If johnny has 2 lights and jimmy has 1...johnny will always grow more weed..prove me wrong.
johnny is a rookie?
some would say chemicals produce more bud, organic is just tighter buds, grown slower. not on steroids

redi jedi

Well-Known Member
Sure there is some variance in skill..environment...genetics...but in the end theres a maximum one can achieve with a given amount of light...
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redi jedi

Well-Known Member
i go with honesty

i am under my plant limit

never go over patient quota

and charge only the one person who can afford to help with hydro

Anyways, I've said this a dozen times but, one more time I guess. Plant counts dont mean shit in regards to indoor growing. Why do you think the MMAR was "abused" as you all like to say.


Well-Known Member
Because at some point as a rational person you must realize that there is a line somewhere between providing for yourself friends/family and becoming a business/supplier.
I wish it were that easy and no one ever had to spend a cent on mj ever again but thats not going to happen.
The only reason that legalization has moved forward in 50 yrs is money. And if it were to become worthless economies would crash worldwide.

Edit... And the term accept implies choice which clearly we dont have
With all due respect, you - and most other people are severely mistaken about the impacts this plant could have. Your perspective has been skewed by a fraudulent economic system.

The reality is new production is a good thing for society if society weren't setup to funnel any and all wealth directly to the already incredibly wealthy. Until we change our monetary system to something deflationary, it will never happen that way though. New money is created. Those with the best credit get it first. They then inject it into the economy pushing prices higher for everyone with lesser credit scores than they have and at best those who aren't the individual receiving funds first is to hope to ride on this persons coattails for a while.

And because the whole system is insolvent those who know when to get out first really do tremendously well. Historically those who have gotten out first have been those running the system. The Rockefellers had all their money out of the market months before the Great Depression. Not coincidentally they also were in a position to call in loans owed (which are impossible to repay because banks can always lend out an unlimited amount of new money which they create from nothing) which caused the inevitable implosion of the market - which then allowed the well capitalized (which was almost no one) to swoop up REAL ASSETS (dollars are imaginary) for almost nothing. And this is how the rich get richer and the poor get poorer and it will continue this way forever until we realize the causes.

It's an issue everyone should understand but most do not on even a basic level.

If automation were benefitting everyone we would be working a day a week tops - almost everyone in North America. But it doesn't work that way because essentially no one has seriously capitalized due to being forever in debt thanks to a system designed to keep people that way.

The reason we have so much cheaply made garbage is because of this system. Companies can't build stuff that lasts because that means they won't see more of your dollars which means they won't be able to repay the loans they owe and it goes on and on.

And consumers continually borrow to pay for stuff because they mistakenly believe they will be in a better place tomorrow because that's the natural human inclination especially when you can see the world around you and the progress we continually make. But reality is significantly different because of this blood sucking system of finance. They of course also need to live.

Anyway, it's a large mess that absolutely none of the candidates is even talking about. Except maybe the Libertarians and a few "fringe" parties that actually have Canadian interests at heart.

redi jedi

Well-Known Member
With all due respect, you - and most other people are severely mistaken about the impacts this plant could have. Your perspective has been skewed by a fraudulent economic system.

The reality is new production is a good thing for society if society weren't setup to funnel any and all wealth directly to the already incredibly wealthy. Until we change our monetary system to something deflationary, it will never happen that way though. New money is created. Those with the best credit get it first. They then inject it into the economy pushing prices higher for everyone with lesser credit scores than they have and at best those who aren't the individual receiving funds first is to hope to ride on this persons coattails for a while.

And because the whole system is insolvent those who know when to get out first really do tremendously well. Historically those who have gotten out first have been those running the system. The Rockefellers had all their money out of the market months before the Great Depression. Not coincidentally they also were in a position to call in loans owed (which are impossible to repay because banks can always lend out an unlimited amount of new money which they create from nothing) which caused the inevitable implosion of the market - which then allowed the well capitalized (which was almost no one) to swoop up REAL ASSETS (dollars are imaginary) for almost nothing. And this is how the rich get richer and the poor get poorer and it will continue this way forever until we realize the causes.

It's an issue everyone should understand but most do not on even a basic level.

If automation were benefitting everyone we would be working a day a week tops - almost everyone in North America. But it doesn't work that way because essentially no one has seriously capitalized due to being forever in debt thanks to a system designed to keep people that way.

The reason we have so much cheaply made garbage is because of this system. Companies can't build stuff that lasts because that means they won't see more of your dollars which means they won't be able to repay the loans they owe and it goes on and on.

And consumers continually borrow to pay for stuff because they mistakenly believe they will be in a better place tomorrow because that's the natural human inclination especially when you can see the world around you and the progress we continually make. But reality is significantly different because of this blood sucking system of finance. They of course also need to live.

Anyway, it's a large mess that absolutely none of the candidates is even talking about. Except maybe the Libertarians and a few "fringe" parties that actually have Canadian interests at heart.
Thats some deep shit right there...