Bush on Georgian aid....yes!


New Member
This past week, we witnessed the invasion of a small nation by a large, massively armed nation. The rationale given by Russia for its invasion of Georgia, a former Soviet state on its border, was to protect Russian citizens from attack.
Sound familiar? Maybe the Georgians have weapons of mass destruction! Or, perhaps, some of that yummy African yellowcake.

No, I'm afraid, in this case, the Russians are exhibiting their displeasure at the United States arming and training Georgian military forces — a provocative act.
Before you say, "Georgia is a free and sovereign nation and has a right to protect themselves," ask yourself what the U.S. would do if Russia was arming and advising Mexico. What did we do when the Russians sent missiles to Cuba during Kennedy's presidency?
Well, actually, then we had a president who, thankfully, was willing to try diplomacy first.
I am not, by any means, excusing what Russia has done. I am only looking at it in the light of my own country's recent history. And, I must say, that I cringe when I hear George Bush lecturing another country about an attack on a sovereign state.
Bush has ceded the moral high ground on issues such as war, constitutional government, spying on citizens and worst of all, torture of prisoners and, thus, has no right to lecture anyone on these issues..................................


New Member
Vi they were doing live interviews with the President of Georgia on CNN all day yesterday. What makes Glenn Beck so special?But I do agree that we should support Georgia on a moral basis.
Who's saying Glenn Beck is "so special?" I watch his program every night, I enjoy it, he was going to present an interview with the president of Georgia, so I gave everyone in the forum a heads up.

It wasn't about Glenn Beck ... it was about the interview. <Sheesh!> Will you left-wingers ever get a clue? :blsmoke:

And by the way, I agree with you about the support, but I don't agree that its should just be "moral" support. As we speak, and you would have known this if you would have watched Beck last night, we (our troops) are already on the ground in Georgia giving "aid." Not only are we supporting the citizens of free, democratic Georgia, but the French are right there at our side. The rest of Europe, if they know what's good for them had better start participating as well. There is no way that free, democratic societies can allow Russia to reestablish the Soviet States. Their actions in Georgia must be condemned and stopped immediately. Not saying that Russia should be attacked or anything like that. But ... sanctions and international condemnation will go a long way. This is no longer 1960.




New Member
Yes, its scary. Its REALLY scary for the people of Georgia. The Russians are targeting civilians, their homes and the schools.

Here's something interesting to consider ... The Russians are (as of yesterday) bombing the airstrips in Georgia to limit access to everyone. We are landing planes on those very same airstrips to get aid relief to the Georgian people. The Russian military does ham-fisted, stupid things. What do you suppose would happen if one of the Ruskies fires a missle into one of our military planes as it lands or takes off?

Interesting proposition for the presidential candidates to disuss, don't you think?

O'Bama: "Let's kiss their asses and maybe all this will go away."

McCain: "Let's bomb Russia back into the Stone Age."



Well-Known Member
The EU seems to actually be the biggest player in this game. And what do you think they're going to advocate? The same stance as the U.N. took in Rwanda, mayhaps?


New Member
If the EU knows what's good for them, they had better get off of their collective asses and join others in the free world to rally against Russia/Putin as soon as possible. The French are on board thanks to their new president.

Put a little moustache on this guy for the complete picture:



New Member
General Patton after victory over Germany-

"Let's keep our boots polished, bayonets sharpened, and present a picture of force and strength to these people (Russians). This is the only language they understand and respect. If you fail to do this, then I would like to say to you that we have had a victory over the Germans and have disarmed them, but have lost the war."

"I would have you keep these armies intact. I would have your State Department, or the people in charge, tell the people concerned (Russians) where their border is, and give them a limited time to get back across it. Warn them that if they fail to do so, we will push them back across it."

"Of course, any fool idea that you can have a league for security(UN?) is nuts, and all people who favor it are potential murderers...as long as man is man, there will be war, and the only way to avoid trouble is to have the best army and navy, which we now have."

Damn he's good......."as long as man is man"! :blsmoke: Damn.....


Well-Known Member
YouTube - 8/8/8 the day it all started to end? Georgia Russia conflict

YouTube - The truth about South Ossetia War, Georgia & Russia's respon "Russia did not attack Georgia. It was a response to a horrible war crime, committed by the Georgian president. This irresponsible man who hates Russia, and will kiss America and Europe's ass, to get a chance to join NATO and the European Union. I suspect it was America who instigated Georgia to commit this crime. On the first day of Olympics, how ironic is that? Russia did NOT attack and did NOT invade Georgia, as your media outlets are saying. South Ossettia claimed independance from Georgia in 1992. Obvious, it was never recognized by the world. In 2006 they held an election where the question was "Do you support South Ossettia to become and independent country?" The turnout was that 95% voted that they wanted to be independent from Georgia. Thursday night, Georgian gov't started an attack on S. Ossettia, they shelled the main city of "timfoly"(sp?Tbilisi?). They (the Georgian gov't) killed over 1000 people. Their excuse was to "restore the constitutional order in the region. Bull Shit! This attack was an attempt to commit "ethnic cleansing". Basically its an act of genocide. The cause of this conflict is Georgia and its president! So before you accept your media allegations about Russia, try to remember all the lies the media has always fed you in the last how many years. America needs to WAKE UP!"

Basically, he saying that this region of S. Ossettia tried to get their independence from Georgia but the Georgian gov't didn't let it pass. Then, on the first day of the Olympics, the Georgian gov't attacked and killed over 1000 people of S. Ossettia. The Russian military then moved in to try and save its own people from the rogue Georgian gov't trying to kill off the S. Ossittians.

I guess it depends on where you get your information from and who you believe. Can anyone else corroborate if this is true. Is this information true? Did S. Ossettia take a vote saying 95% of its people wanted to become independent from Georgia? Did the Georgian gov't killed over 1000 people?

Where are we suppose to get our information from if there is an information war going on? Our media is making it out like "the Russian army is attacking the poor little country of Georgia"..

Does anyone else remember all the lies, from the media, within the last 8 years with the Bush administration in office?

Does anyone else know how the Zionist Jews control the mainstream media, the "Federal" Reserve, and all of the central banks on Earth! How many countries don't have a Rothschild central bank? Do you know the last two places where a Rothschild central bank was forcefully implemented, I'm pretty sure it was Afghanistan and Iraq. Do you know that Iran, and N. Korea are 2 out of the 5 countries (LEFT IN THE WORLD) that doesn't have these Rothschild central banks up and running. (Correct me if I'm wrong, because I'm going off the top of my head)

Edit- Does anyone else see the double standard? Don't you guys realize that the USA just invaded TWO counties (Iraq and Afghanistan) to "liberate them". But if Russia tries to protect their people of S. Ossettia than its time for the USA to start WW3. Because we all know the current people in power are warmongers that feed off the tax payers dollars that are spent to the military industrial complex, AKA Haliburton AKA Dick Cheneys "former" company. HAHA..... :lol:

The REVOLUTION has begun!


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New Member
After what the Bush regime has wrought on Iraq and our freedoms, how can he be taken seriously when he tells Russia to stand down. Talk about being hypocritical. Invading a soveriegn nation, Been there done that, Actually, still there.


New Member
PRESIDENT BUSH: Good morning. I've just met with my national security team to discuss the crisis in Georgia. I've spoken with President Saakashvili of Georgia, and President Sarkozy of France this morning. The United States strongly supports France's efforts, as president of the European Union, to broker an agreement that will end this conflict.

The United States of America stands with the democratically elected government of Georgia. We insist that the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Georgia be respected.

Russia has stated that changing the government of Georgia is not its goal. The United States and the world expect Russia to honor that commitment. Russia has also stated that it has halted military operations and agreed to a provisional cease-fire. Unfortunately, we're receiving reports of Russian actions that are inconsistent with these statements. We're concerned about reports that Russian units have taken up positions on the east side of the city of Gori, which allows them to block the East-West Highway, divide the country, and threaten the capital of Tbilisi.

We're concerned about reports that Russian forces have entered and taken positions in the port city of Poti, that Russian armored vehicles are blocking access to that port, and that Russia is blowing up Georgian vessels. We're concerned about reports that Georgian citizens of all ethnic origins are not being protected. All forces, including Russian forces, have an obligation to protect innocent civilians from attack.

With these concerns in mind, I have directed a series of steps to demonstrate our solidarity with the Georgian people and bring about a peaceful resolution to this conflict. I'm sending Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to France, where she will confer with President Sarkozy. She will then travel to Tbilisi, where she will personally convey America's unwavering support for Georgia's democratic government. On this trip she will continue our efforts to rally the free world in the defense of a free Georgia.

I've also directed Secretary of Defense Bob Gates to begin a humanitarian mission to the people of Georgia, headed by the United States military. This mission will be vigorous and ongoing. A U.S. C-17 aircraft with humanitarian supplies is on its way. And in the days ahead we will use U.S. aircraft, as well as naval forces, to deliver humanitarian and medical supplies.

We expect Russia to honor its commitment to let in all forms of humanitarian assistance. We expect Russia to ensure that all lines of communication and transport, including seaports, airports, roads, and airspace, remain open for the delivery of humanitarian assistance and for civilian transit. We expect Russia to meet its commitment to cease all military activities in Georgia. And we expect all Russian forces that entered Georgia in recent days to withdraw from that country.

As I have made clear, Russia's ongoing action raise serious questions about its intentions in Georgia and the region. In recent years, Russia has sought to integrate into the diplomatic, political, economic, and security structures of the 21st century. The United States has supported those efforts. Now Russia is putting its aspirations at risk by taking actions in Georgia that are inconsistent with the principles of those institutions. To begin to repair the damage to its relations with the United States, Europe, and other nations, and to begin restoring its place in the world, Russia must keep its word and act to end this crisis.

Thank you.
Thank you, sir.


New Member
As I have made clear, the United States ongoing action raise serious questions about its intentions in Iraq and the region. In recent years, the United States has sought to integrate into the diplomatic, political, economic, and security structures of the 21st century. The world has supported those efforts. Now the United States is putting its aspirations at risk by taking actions in Iraq that are inconsistent with the principles of those institutions. To begin to repair the damage to its relations with Europe, and other nations, and to begin restoring its place in the world, the United States must keep its word and act to end this crisis.

Thank you.
Word for word!


Well-Known Member
Why does every action in the world point to Iraq?

There is a long history between Georgia and Russia. Contentious I might add.

I still believe, just an opinion tho, that after US helped Kosovo claim independence from Russia ally Serbia really ticked of the Russians.

I was against that btw, even tho a know quite of few Kosovoans,

Now they are returning the favor in Georgia with S. Oss. tit for tat.

This is just an opinion tho. I do favor this one more than 'blame everything on Bush in Iraq'.

In Baquba (its in Iraq) FOB Warhorse had a detachment of Georgian troops.
One day they were on a mission and took fire from some houses along side the road.
The Georgians open up on the whole block, then turned around and lit up the other side of the road. The US Military took a dim view of this, (ROE and all) the Georgians were relegated to tower and gate duty after that. Became fobbits. (thats the new word for REMF's). So I can see how their actions in S. Oss probably really ticked of the Russians and S. Oss militia groups, now they seek vengeance.

What is the US going to do about it? I know what I would do, I can only guess at what really will happen.


New Member
"On April 9, 1991, shortly before the collapse of the USSR, Georgia declared independence."

Probably just falling back on their Soviet training.

What is happening is what should happen; world leaders going to Tbilisi in a show of solidarity. Russian "precision guided" munitions were shown to be highly ineffective, and now we know this. And, the Georgians claim to have shot down a few Russian planes.......:blsmoke: When's the last time an American plane was shot down? IMO, we don't have the luxury of pretending like they are still a super power in order to diminish our own standing, for what, to be liked?. If the Russians persist, we should stand firm. We're the big dog. For better or for worse.