tweed SHILLING AND LYING about their products

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
Careful what you read around here folks. tweed has shills on here trying to save their poor reputation. Don't be fooled into buying there garbage second rate hemp. Or any other other LP's manure.
Just thought I'd help their cause seeing as they are trying to fuck over sick people. These are the worst type of criminals to buy from.


Well-Known Member
I agree to an extent hippy. Again, the MMPR is totally fucked but I still feel that the blame lays on health Canada. The LP's just jumped on the opportunity. The pricing is rediculous and some of the producers are sending out trash. LP's should exist for those who don't want to or can't grow. This system shouldn't be forced upon anyone.

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
Doesn't really matter unless you like being forced into buying something. I feel so sorry for the new patients who have to endure this criminal type sales force. Dirty and greasy charging those prices..rapists