How much is Remo getting per plant? They are MONSTROSITIES!!!


Well-Known Member
No way dude! He's gotta be pulling way more than a pound. You can get 1.5 to 2 pounds easy, with a 30 day veg, in the same type setup he has, with 1 plant under a 1000w HPS, a huge pot (20+ gallons), using some reputable nutes, and keeping that PH in check.

I think hes pullin' no less than 2.5 and that's off of the lighest one of those freakishly humongous trees he's got growin' there.
Is this impressive to you, do you even grow?


Well-Known Member
Remo is an absolute dickhead, met him person ally more than once he tries his very hardest to come across as an absolute poncer, period. Also speaks a bit like he hasnt got much of a clue of whats going on tbh.