Please recycle your used CFL bulbs

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Well-Known Member
Us hicks are way better at growing our own food, hunting our own meat, preserving our own meat. City people are great at stopping off at starbucks.

We have no gangs here to shoot us, and hicks tend to have lots of shotguns, bows and arrows and big hunting knives. How many deer you able to hunt in the city?

I was just pointing out that the recycling wagon doesn't drive through the streets here. Driving 60 fucking miles to recycle 1 fucking lightbulb is about as ingnorant as it can get.

There is plenty of social safety where I live. Here you go in a store and try to rob it, people will not only tackle your ass, but they will pound on you until the cops show up to save you from the citizens. Us small town hicks help each other out. If someone is sick all their neighbors get together and harvest their fields for them, FOR FREE, just to be neighborly. Do you have a neighbor you can trust? We don't have to lock our doors, no reason to, anything strange goes on and the whole neighborhood is calling the law or just coming right over to ask who you are.

There you go with your ASSumptions..

1. Youre on a GARDENING FORUM (more or less) telling half it's members they aren't as good at growing as hicks are.
2. I know many people from the farmlands who dont know shit about growing.
3. First you say city people have the threat of dying from gang members and then you say they arent good hunters. Sorry, but street smarts makes a savvy guy.
4. Everyone I know has shotguns, rifles, handguns, knives, tazers, and many other weapons.
5. How many deer can you hunt in the city? -- What is the relevance of this question? Just because the deer are scarce in the city doesn't mean I couldn't kill one. You think country folk are the only people who fire weapons don't you?
6. "Driving 60 fucking miles to recycle 1 fucking lightbulb is about as ingnorant as it can get." No one told you to do that. You are the ignorant ass-mouth who fucking ASSUMED that was the only way. Why don't you open your mind.
7. There is plenty of social safety where I live. Here you go in a store and try to rob it, people will not only tackle your ass, but they will pound on you until the cops show up to save you from the citizens. Oh, a bunch of tough guys live in your town. First off, people help out people no matter where you live. That's how things are. Perhaps you have only gotten your current events and knowledge of the world (outside of your 2 bit town) from MTV music videos... Try travelling. Us small town hicks help each other out. If someone is sick all their neighbors get together and harvest their fields for them, FOR FREE, just to be neighborly. Do you have a neighbor you can trust? I can trust everyone on my entire block. I cannot think of one resident on my block that I wouldnt trust with a key.We don't have to lock our doorsLook at the ratio, within 1 mile from you you probably have 10 people.. all from the same inbred family. Within 1 mile of me I have thousands., no reason to, anything strange goes on and the whole neighborhood is calling the law or just coming right over to ask who you are. Funny, us here city folk do the same thing.. Duhurrrr Heeiickk

Everything you say is based on 100% bias, stereotypical ignorance.

Do people do wrong in the city? YES!
Do people do wrong in the burbs? YES!
Do people do wrong in the farmlands? YES!

My diagnosis: Small town ignorance
My prescription: Travelling.

You can now leave my office.


New Member
no there are about 10,000 people in this town.

I never said city people couldn't grow I said they can't grow enough food to stay alive if need be.

Also the name calling is about as immature as you can get,

I do not watch MTV, MTV is crap and I think they should pull the plug on it.

Should I mail the lightbulbs to your responsible ass and you can recycle them, or maybe your neighbors with the key can?

My diagnosis, get your head out of your ass. Learn how to discuss without calling names like a child.

Maybe grow up and go back to school and learn to be a little more mature.


Well-Known Member
no there are about 10,000 people in this town.

I never said city people couldn't grow I said they can't grow enough food to stay alive if need be.

Also the name calling is about as immature as you can get,

I do not watch MTV, MTV is crap and I think they should pull the plug on it.

Should I mail the lightbulbs to your responsible ass and you can recycle them, or maybe your neighbors with the key can?

My diagnosis, get your head out of your ass. Learn how to discuss without calling names like a child.

Maybe grow up and go back to school and learn to be a little more mature.
"I said they can't grow enough food to stay alive if need be." - And you again are an ignorant, stereotyping fool.

My name-calling vs your blatant disrespect... Hmm... Pretty fine line there buddy.

I guarantee you call names.

No, don't mail me the bulbs.. Instead, tell me what town you live in so I can fly out there and shoplift from your local market and watch all your tough-guy neighbors "pound me".

Honestly, you do a lot of finger pointing about maturity. I think the discussion between you and myself lost the "maturity" long ago. I'm glad that you finally realized half it though. You are starting to catch up with the class...


Well-Known Member
no there are about 10,000 people in this town.

I never said city people couldn't grow I said they can't grow enough food to stay alive if need be.

Also the name calling is about as immature as you can get,

I do not watch MTV, MTV is crap and I think they should pull the plug on it.

Should I mail the lightbulbs to your responsible ass and you can recycle them, or maybe your neighbors with the key can?

My diagnosis, get your head out of your ass. Learn how to discuss without calling names like a child.

Maybe grow up and go back to school and learn to be a little more mature.

we should pull the plug on u with you all the way ur back..most hicks i met cant do shit..and as for the could fuck off.. i can type well..wanting to is a diffrent story..


Well-Known Member
hai ladys and gents back onto topic and .......

where can one in great britain take his old CFL's for disposal, i dont want too take them too local recycle tip and find they dont accept. are there any places like B&Q etc etc that takes them. i have 11 old ones from house that need throwing.

we do need too change our ways we waste so much and dont see it as a problem.



New Member
"I said they can't grow enough food to stay alive if need be." - And you again are an ignorant, stereotyping fool.

My name-calling vs your blatant disrespect... Hmm... Pretty fine line there buddy.

I guarantee you call names.

No, don't mail me the bulbs.. Instead, tell me what town you live in so I can fly out there and shoplift from your local market and watch all your tough-guy neighbors "pound me".

Honestly, you do a lot of finger pointing about maturity. I think the discussion between you and myself lost the "maturity" long ago. I'm glad that you finally realized half it though. You are starting to catch up with the class...
OK good luck growing a years worth of food in your apartment.

Your refusal to discuss like an adult and stop name calling shows me that you are way more ignorant than any hick. Please show me where I acted like a child and called you names? :dunce:

You also call me buddy even though my name start with Miss, that shows your intelligence as well.

Come on down to small town America and stick a gun in someones face and see what happens to you. You should really try the armed robbery in November, that's when hunting season opens up.

we should pull the plug on u with you all the way ur back..most hicks i met cant do shit..and as for the could fuck off.. i can type well..wanting to is a diffrent story..

Your command of the English language is astonishing. If you are going to be so ignorant please stay off the side of us intelligent adults that are in favor of legalization.


Well-Known Member
Miss H. Ease up on the kid..just because he doesn't know when to put a sock in it doesnt meant you have to tear him apart...Muhahahaha.

I love you Miss H
You are my hero.


New Member
Miss H. Ease up on the kid..just because he doesn't know when to put a sock in it doesnt meant you have to tear him apart...Muhahahaha.

I love you Miss H
You are my hero.

I luv you back Dr. Cronic. :clap:

I'm sorry, but I excel in ripping ass. All those years as a mom coming in handy. :-P


Well-Known Member
we should pull the plug on u with you all the way ur back..most hicks i met cant do shit..and as for the could fuck off.. i can type well..wanting to is a diffrent story.. Nobody told you to ride anyone's dick so im going to say this as nicely as i possibly can. Kick rocks and get the fuck out.


Well-Known Member
Jesus tap-dancing Christ, did everybody in here run out of bud at the same time?!?! All this hostility over goddamn light bulbs. If you want to recycle them, or if its accessible to you, great! If not, don't do it. I'm not on this site too often, but often enough to know this thread isn't keeping with the ideas of education, respect, and positive communication I see from the rest of the board. That is all.


Well-Known Member
OK good luck growing a years worth of food in your apartment.

Your refusal to discuss like an adult and stop name calling shows me that you are way more ignorant than any hick. Please show me where I acted like a child and called you names? :dunce:

You also call me buddy even though my name start with Miss, that shows your intelligence as well.

Come on down to small town America and stick a gun in someones face and see what happens to you. You should really try the armed robbery in November, that's when hunting season opens up.

Your command of the English language is astonishing. If you are going to be so ignorant please stay off the side of us intelligent adults that are in favor of legalization.
I dont live in an apartment. You say that to be blatantly disrespectful. It's taking immature potshots. That is at the same level as name-calling.

"refusal to stop name-calling" - Funny because the last post I didn't "NAME CALL".

A "buddy" can only be a male? Hmm.. I think you're wrong.

ARMED ROBBERY???? Who the HELL ever said armed robbery? HAHA. You are in your own little fantasy world over there. I said SHOPLIFT and you say ARMED ROBBERY.

I'll tell you what, if I did come to your town and put a gun in someone's face you know what would happen? THE SAME THING THAT WOULD HAPPEN ANYWHERE.
The person having the gun in their face would be confused and uncertain on what to do. Eventually the police would be involved and the gun would be taken and I would go to jail.

Wake up buddy. You wish your town was hardknock.


Well-Known Member
Miss H. Ease up on the kid..just because he doesn't know when to put a sock in it doesnt meant you have to tear him apart...Muhahahaha.

I love you Miss H
You are my hero.
I'm not being torn apart - but I do appreciate your concern. It's admirable.


Well-Known Member Nobody told you to ride anyone's dick so im going to say this as nicely as i possibly can. Kick rocks and get the fuck out.
Not to get in your guys' business but who are you to tell another member to leave the thread/forum?

Whether the kid types well or not is irrelevant. This is not grammar school. The only time people pick on spelling on a forum is when they really don't have shit else to say to the person.


Well-Known Member Nobody told you to ride anyone's dick so im going to say this as nicely as i possibly can. Kick rocks and get the fuck out.
fine i will type well if thats what you bitches that keep complaining want. so heres me typing well. FUCK U CHRONIC!. how do you like that for typing well.


Well-Known Member
You know what.your right chronic. so ima leave it at that. cuz u r waste of my time. Oh and i capitalized the first letter, just for u bitch. so stay the fuck out of my business.


Well-Known Member
You gotta be specific Then. How do u go through life with out being specific chronic?. You only said the first letter, i was just trying to make your sorry ass happy.


Well-Known Member
stop the bitching this aint the local playground. everyone has opinions, enough is enough. grow up act like adults and enough with the petty tittle tattle !!!

so anyone know where one can trash CFL's in uk

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