Neo-Naziism is now mainstream


Well-Known Member
Tried and true Fascist power play: Gain a political following. Grow paramilitary forces that pledge loyalty to the leader. Use this force to create chaos. Gain political power. Create a crisis. Use crisis to justify suspension of government checks and balances to expand power. Take dictatorial control.

I hope I'm wrong but Trump seems to me to be following Hitler's play book.
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Well-Known Member
An alternative view of the fascist Trump

I Know Fascists; Donald Trump Is No Fascist
Trump’s xenophobic rhetoric, his demagoguery, and his populist appeals to citizens’ economic anxieties certainly borrow from the fascist playbook. Italy’s fascists capitalized on similar themes in a different era of global uncertainty; in their case, it was the unemployment, veterans’ resentments, unions’ strikes, and political violence that beset the country following World War I. But Trump is, fundamentally, a blustering political opportunist courting votes in a democratic system; he has not called for the violent overthrow of the system itself. And whereas it can be impossible to discern any logic or strategy in Trump’s campaign, the fascists who marched on Rome in 1922 were relentlessly, violently focused on a clear goal: to kill democracy and install a dictatorship.

A sense of proportion is crucial to avoid alienating voters further. Trump’s fans are too few to march on Washington, but way too many to ignore or mock. They want jobs, schools, safe communities. If you keep your eyes on their needs, and not on Trump’s distorted hall of mirrors, you will not see “fascists” but instead people forgotten by both Democrats and Republicans. To successfully oppose Trump’s disastrous agenda, without isolating his base, the 2016 candidates will have find some way to speak to them. As Western democracies continue to face the crises of wars and terrorism abroad, and growing inequality and cultural and political unrest at home, it would be a tragedy to go through them so bitterly divided.


Well-Known Member
But i did scope out some Chucky dolls that were KILLER!!!
I've got the one that Spencer's originally sold 20-25 years ago, the 'prop replica' version:

(Not mine, but I've got the same one in storage.)

Just came from da mall to look for some rad stockings like with skulls and crossbones on it or something rad.
Here are some:
(Wife and friends have successfully ordered things of this nature from several Chinese sellers....takes a month or two, but the price is right.)

Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
Just so we're clear, so we don't have this problem later, if and when a Civil War breaks out, I'm on your side, guys. Lou, Buck, and all you guys who are Democratically aligned or Anti-Trump. I'm a pretty good shot, so I'm pretty useful. So don't shoot me if the world goes to shit. Same team.

Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
Anyone opposite your political spectrum is automatically Hitler.

Godwin's law says your feelings are hurt.
Trump has pretty much demonstrated principles and conducted himself in a manner uncannily similar to Adolf Hitler. Pretty sure even his constituents agree, and I suspect they might even appreciate that fact. Do you seriously disagree with this observation/analysis?


Well-Known Member
Just so we're clear, so we don't have this problem later, if and when a Civil War breaks out, I'm on your side, guys. Lou, Buck, and all you guys who are Democratically aligned or Anti-Trump. I'm a pretty good shot, so I'm pretty useful. So don't shoot me if the world goes to shit. Same team.
We'll need to be able to recognize each other. Put out your freak flag so we know. Same team.