The best way to die. Personal opinion.


Well-Known Member
If i had to go it would be a heart attack. It always seems like they sneak up on ya, and usually result from having too much of everything thats good.
I used to assist with picking up dead bodies for a funeral director.

Heart attack victims were obvious and ugly. Vomit everywhere and signs that they struggled, I decided then that heart attacks aren't the way to go.

As a matter of fact, they all looked bad no matter what killed them. The funeral director made them look better with makeup and paint, so that 'peaceful look' is very much faked.


Well-Known Member
I used to assist with picking up dead bodies for a funeral director.

Heart attack victims were obvious and ugly. Vomit everywhere and signs that they struggled, I decided then that heart attacks aren't the way to go.

As a matter of fact, they all looked bad no matter what killed them. The funeral director made them look better with makeup and paint, so that 'peaceful look' is very much faked.
Total buzz kill. Ok i change my answer to falling from miles up, while shooting up on heroin.

So how do you wanna go out?

cat of curiosity

Well-Known Member
I used to assist with picking up dead bodies for a funeral director.

Heart attack victims were obvious and ugly. Vomit everywhere and signs that they struggled, I decided then that heart attacks aren't the way to go.

As a matter of fact, they all looked bad no matter what killed them. The funeral director made them look better with makeup and paint, so that 'peaceful look' is very much faked.


Well-Known Member
Best way die in my opinion would be a giant shot of pure heroin, it's got to be the most euphoric and painless death . I used to be a heroin iv user, and there's not a better feeling then a big fat shot of h. So I could only imagine that's the best way to go out simply painless and euphoric, at least that's my theory lol


Well-Known Member
My father suffered from a long illness. That was so hard on him. Our family too. If I could choose I'd choose instant. Tell those in your life you love them, so if you do die suddenly they know how you feel.

What would you rather have though? Instant death or a chance to say goodbye to your loved ones.


Well-Known Member
We all know how you're gonna die.

Choking on large quantities of semen.

Beat it hoe.
Id bet thats how your wife goes out. I hear all the farmers around have kicked her outta the horse barn a few times. You ever watch a horse dick go off on her face? I bet you have you dirty little monkey.