'Let It Be An Arms Race'


Well-Known Member
So you TRUMP! supporters (@tampee , @NLXSK1 and @Flaming Pie )
are saying that you don't think America has a credible strike threat and that the best way to modernize our force is to send out provocative tweets before even taking office. Somehow this is in America's best interests? Please show me your work coming up with that.

This is just a maintenance issue, but it needs to be tweeted about a couple hours after Putin announces more missiles?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Answer, All of them...

I think that depends on which tense is used.

I'm not sure the only country which has used them against innocent women and children should be the arbiter of who can and cannot have them.

We do you think we need more nuclear weapons? Is this like the right's belief that more guns make us all safer?
Nuclear weapons are capable of killing indiscriminately and don't distinguish between who's naughty and nice.

If you favor disarming people by taking away guns, how will you ensure there are enough guns left to enforce government schools get funded?


Well-Known Member
I think that depends on which tense is used.

I'm not sure the only country which has used them against innocent women and children should be the arbiter of who can and cannot have them.

Nuclear weapons are capable of killing indiscriminately and don't distinguish between who's naughty and nice.

If you favor disarming people by taking away guns, how will you ensure there are enough guns left to enforce government schools get funded?


Well-Known Member
See, this is a perfect example of the conversations that occur here.

UB - uncle buck puppet that you are... Please show where I said that we need more nuclear weapons.

You wont find it. You read something, twisted it around in your brain to something else and are now arguing with me about a point that I did not make.

My point is that we are in an arms race whether we like it or not. Somehow, Schuylarr thought that by Obama sticking his head in the sand and talking about disarmament was reducing our enemies research and development of nuclear weapons.

She thought his pretty words made us safer... It was a convenient lie.
Did Reagan stick his head in the sand? How about Bush 1 and 2? Were they clueless too? Because they all drastically reduced our nuclear arsenal.


Well-Known Member
Not really Russia is working on their nuclear capabilities and most of our arsenal is junk from the 50's 60's they actually still have them old ass computers that take up a lot of space when it can be nothing but a laptop computer. It would be great if the entire world disarmed nukes but until that day we need Russia and China to fear going to war with us.

But life don't matter really...
Nice to know you have security clearance and have recently toured NORAD facilities.

Or was that from your fake news source?

The gov't. doesn't tell people everything because people like you simply can't be trusted with anything more than a Jello recipe.


Well-Known Member
I hope we get in a Nuclear War. Then y'all will finally just die.

Everyone dies. I think dying by Nuclear Bomb would be pretty fucking awesome. Sure beats dying of old age with a bunch of sobbing family members standing around you, devastated by their own loss.