If you had 30 lbs. what would you do with it?


New Member
I would give a lot of it to my mother's friend who is suffering from Cancer .. And I would probably sell some and just keep buying more herb.. I'll never be deprived again.


Well-Known Member
if you came into possesion of about 30 pounds of the herb, what would you do with it?

where would you keep it?

how would you move it?

all hypothetically of course,
I love lawrence all the micro brewerys and culture, Is This Matt and Amber formally from the Pitt. is it?? lol or PK.....Anyways a safe in my basement sounds like a good start...


Active Member
Smoke it...basement...go to the Venice Drum Circle and share the goods....if the cops aint there...even so fuck em..haha:fire:


Well-Known Member
I only smoke about half an ounce a month, so it would last quite a while. most of it would be stashed. put a a couple pounds towards seeing how potent i cna make some green dragon and brownies. probly sell a little here and there to small time dealers


Active Member
keep 1 pound to smoke sell it for a nise price like 1 oz for 120 and if i cant sell it all smoke it all!!wha a dreme come true if i could have all that piff holy fuck...id be set 4 life


Well-Known Member
I dont know sarcasm when i see it alot of the time.
We dont do that kinda shit here.. alot of stupid comments n shit along with sarcasm is confusing.
shoulda put a smiley face or some shit like thatt


New Member
I dont know sarcasm when i see it alot of the time.
We dont do that kinda shit here.. alot of stupid comments n shit along with sarcasm is confusing.
shoulda put a smiley face or some shit like thatt

Exactly ... I kinda figured he was joking but I just responded the way I did because he didn't make it clear .. I was kinda joking though too heh ..


Active Member
i would go buy a cigarette roller (for time purposes), make as many joints as i could that would fit into a pinata, and have a fatty party with all my homies that smoke. then we could all smoke and then have some left over for later. and then there's so many ideas for whatever i couldn't fit (probably about 10 - 15 pounds)

buy a BALLER cuban cigar and fill it with the weed and have a fatty smokeout.
sell maybe 1 - 2 lbs - large quantities only (really paranoid of selling since i've been caught by the parental-unit 2 times already)
and then smoke the rest throughout the 2 years i have left in college.

...who knows maybe i'll make 2 pinatas.