What did you accomplish today?


Well-Known Member

lol I am listening to this and talking to my friends daughter in australia helping her with math homework.

sf is feeling extra nice. she keeps questioning me, like I can't do grade 9 math

fuck off ya cunt is said many times and I hear her dad saying mean things. I would tell him to fuck off as well. this guy can do his ucking math and the swearing is because your fdaughter is too damn dumb to listen. I call a bitch a cunt because a shovel is a fucking soade,

the words can be heavy but I do not let math step into the way of a proper beer or something

oh ya bitches I can do math


Well-Known Member
Almost done with the cocaine theme drawing .....probably another 20 min and it will be finished finally .......holy shit I need to keep my mouth shut from now on when it comes to the old .......look what I can do .....funny part is ,,,,I'm not even that great of an artist ....but il post the drawing when I finish .....