Ozcocoloco o.d 2017


Well-Known Member
Lemon Crippler is throwing some chunky golf ball buds, smells strongly of lemon lime really love the smell. Looks like it'll be done in the first week of March.
The Rockstar Kush is frosting up nicely, the buds need to start hardening up but it still has a couple of weeks, all plants got a top dress of organic potash,organic kickalong and 5 in 1 last week along with some liquid gypsum and micro nutrient mix with their normal feeds so they should be set for the next few weeks


Well-Known Member
Going to start hitting a Pineapple Express #2 clone I've got with some colloidal silver to chuck on a Tangie clone, I'm hoping it might shorten the Tangies flowering time, @eastcoastmo , @greencropper , @Vnsmkr you guys ever used c.s to make fem beans
Ive not, but if I were going to use one would be STS. Look in the outdoor section, I posted some step by steps in a thread titled CS


Well-Known Member
Going to start hitting a Pineapple Express #2 clone I've got with some colloidal silver to chuck on a Tangie clone, I'm hoping it might shorten the Tangies flowering time, @eastcoastmo , @greencropper , @Vnsmkr you guys ever used c.s to make fem beans
I sure have bro, I made my nightcap cultivars with it. I bought 50ppm off the net and started spraying 2 weeks before the flip and continued spraying for 4 weeks after, had pollen bloody everywhere ha hA


Well-Known Member
I would yeah, I went through my 50ppm pretty quickly spraying twice a day, I only had 30 for the last 2 weeks and it still seemed to have worked well. Just use distilled water as opposed to nornal tap water to dilute!
Sweet mate I'll grab some distilled water today, I'm going to reverse one of each and see if I get better results with the Tangie or the P.E # 2 pollen


Well-Known Member
People are fucking dumb bro you know that. Sometimes that shit gets to a person, I can understand that. There's a lot of jealous and just ignorant fucks out there. Someone actually told me B was a pollen chucker and I said what the fuck? Well he only makes F1s they said....idiots