Berkeley's Liberal Intolerance is about to bite them in the ass.


bud bootlegger
Actually I agree with you I'm not a fan of hers however, what Berkley is doing is just wrong and Kinda violates the First Amendment.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

i fail to see anything in there about berkely changing a speaking engagement for a right wing wack job to a time that is during finals.. maybe i need to read the fine print, or in between the lines? i'm open to suggestions as to exactly where the first amendment has anything to do with this..

Heil Tweetler

Well-Known Member
Actually I agree with you I'm not a fan of hers however, what Berkley is doing is just wrong and Kinda violates the First Amendment.
What it really comes down to is that they can't handle the intolerance of the left being exposed so they're trying to attack me on a personal level. It's not surprising it's right out of the DNC playbook.
No I just believe giving out personal information to strangers is stupid.
Thanks just like I said above in your quote I'm gonna go with 38 today because I have never given you all my real age
Youre a fucking moron dude.


Well-Known Member
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

i fail to see anything in there about berkely changing a speaking engagement for a right wing wack job to a time that is during finals.. maybe i need to read the fine print, or in between the lines? i'm open to suggestions as to exactly where the first amendment has anything to do with this..
your info is a bit wrong they tried to change it to the week before finals with everyone I'll be studying. But if you don't get it then I'm not gonna try and explain it to you. Period


bud bootlegger
your info is a bit wrong they tried to change it to the week before finals with everyone I'll be studying. But if you don't get it then I'm not gonna try and explain it to you. Period
the first amendment has to do with the government limiting free speech.. like they can't pass a law saying that they will arrest anyone who calls 45 an ass hat and a racist pig pos, it has absolutely nada to do with a college and who they hire or don't hire for speaking engagements at said university .


Well-Known Member
your info is a bit wrong they tried to change it to the week before finals with everyone I'll be studying. But if you don't get it then I'm not gonna try and explain it to you. Period
Thanks for not trying to explain it. It can be funny when somebody tries to 'splain something when they don't understand it. As we see endlessly on the grow boards, it can be tiresome and irritating sometimes too. It's always a waste of time.


Well-Known Member
the first amendment has to do with the government limiting free speech.. like they can't pass a law saying that they will arrest anyone who calls 45 an ass hat and a racist pig pos, it has absolutely nada to do with a college and who they hire or don't hire for speaking engagements at said university .
In Berkeley uses US tax dollars


Well-Known Member
LOL way to show tolerance! im going to attack people who do not agree with me...........Liberals......
gee, you make trump's doctrine of "non-white people have no right to exist" sound like a simple disagreement of opinion. like preferring avocado instead of salsa.

let's rephrase your sentence so that it more accurately reflects your position without euphemism and minimization:

"LOL way to show tolerance! im going to attack people who think that non-white people do not deserve to exist...........Liberals......"

there we go. much better.


Well-Known Member
So, in your world, everyone who isn't a dumb ass conservative like yourself is some bleeding heart liberal wimp? Times are fucking changing. Get used to it
I sincerely hope they change fast enough to avoid another Great Crash and resultant Depression.

I mean, exactly who do all those closet authoritarians think 'their' government is going to crack down ON, anyway?!