bodhi seeds


Active Member
A good friend of mine is doing the cannasense deal and got a welcome kit in the mail with 4 different kinds of flowers. Amazing shit. And he found a seed. Mango og. Dont know anything about it. Im getting ready to fire up a 4×4 and i have fem northern lights. Any info on the strain or cannasense would love to know how they grow. Meaning i wonder if they start from fems or what. Thanks and thanks in advance to anyone who has any info


Well-Known Member
Dude, you are completely wrong, please stop spreading made up information.
MrSoul has been an american breeder for 20+ years. Long long ago he worked at sssc.
Around 2004ish he went into retirement due to the political nature in the U.S.
About 2 years ago things were relaxed enough for him to return and Bros Grimm is now making seeds, again in the U.S.

and lol at european elite breeders.... they don't exist.
Sorry, just was what I "knew". Atleast thought / got told ;) Good you are here to make up for my mistake. Thanks Sir!


Well-Known Member
That what I thought too l, but then I saw a pic on IG with a regular Black Triangle and Black Triangle remix, also Doc D uses Black Triangle remix in a few of his crosses I believe. Which means there is/were at least 2 G13HP males.

Does anyone know of another page like this, but newer? There's lots of great info in here, but its just old

It seems like in 2011 he only used 1 male, the hashplant pheno. I'm still wondering if Bodhi is using the HP male in Black Triangle? Maybe the remix uses a Deadly G male?

It seems they have a couple different lines of Ghash. He lost the original Deadly G female to a heat wave, then selected a new one from Deadly G f3s to remake Tranquilizer Elephant v2.

That link also says he lost the Appalachia male, so a new one must have been selected.
You know The only place I know, beside IG where bodhi posts informations.

@Tangerine_ Do you have more infos on that cross: Genius cut x Blood Orange ??? Sounds awesome. Missed the Blood Orange, so would be awesome to get crosses like that, will it get released?
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Well-Known Member
I ran Apollo 11 F4 Select last yr and LOVED it. It didn't get cloned and I regret it.
While growing it just looked "m'eh" up against SSDD, DB, Goji, and Wolfpack but once chopped I realized I'd completely underestimated her. Tangy, mango'y, zippy delicious buds. Perfect daytime smoke. I'd actually made a habit of mixing a bit of Apollo and Wolfpack for a perfect combo of head and body.

Right now I'm running a cross of the Genius cut x Blood Orange that was part of last yrs 420 promo and I AM STOKED. These smell juicy mangos and oranges. And the colors... just beautiful. If any of you still have these and love orange blossom citrusy em.

Oh and I smoked my ASS last night. :p
Started with the purple one (pics a few pages back) It still needs a good cure but so far its got a great mint tone on the exhale...spice on the inhale.
Starts off right in your head and moves down. Very good smoke! I'm going to run the best two again to try and get it dialed in bit more.

Anyone else smoke their ASS yet?

Edit: I almost forgot to ask...
Anyone run MM, would you suggest topping? I normally let first seed runs go without topping to get a feel for structure and stress tendencies but I'm not sure that the best way to go with MM given the genetics and pics posted here
Ask @apbx720. He's got a lot of runs with MM :lol: sorry buddy haha


Well-Known Member
So stoked had to throw it out there. I have a meeting with 4 commercial large Gro wers next week regarding the evolution of Cbd strains/ what they can expect for the sq footage they could utilize and their patients needs. Just trying to get their ops dialed in for them a bit easier then just try this and hope it helps. Which is how it's been from the sounds of it. Anyone playing with B's gear for this mission? Would love to have a PM convo if so. Lot's of retirees in my area that are starting to open their minds to non pharma medication. So stoked to be involved!! Thanks peeps as always!

Freedom farmer 420

Well-Known Member
So stoked had to throw it out there. I have a meeting with 4 commercial large Gro wers next week regarding the evolution of Cbd strains/ what they can expect for the sq footage they could utilize and their patients needs. Just trying to get their ops dialed in for them a bit easier then just try this and hope it helps. Which is how it's been from the sounds of it. Anyone playing with B's gear for this mission? Would love to have a PM convo if so. Lot's of retirees in my area that are starting to open their minds to non pharma medication. So stoked to be involved!! Thanks peeps as always!
Congrats bro!! Gud luck with that


Well-Known Member
High CBD blessings and ssdd male lines :)
Thanks JP! that's good insight. I know B has some gold in this arena but Have yet to really get the research in on his lines and what has been found. If I can push the energy of his crosses into it... It will only benefit everyone from what I have felt growing his gear the last few years. Thanks again for giving my staring point of research tonight. I owe ya one!


Well-Known Member
Congrats bro!! Gud luck with that
I lost my uncle a few years ago to the most aggressive cancer I have seen to date. He was straight and narrow his whole life. So when he asked me what i thought about him using oils. I was speechless, I knew nothing...and that will haunt me for a long time. So when someone asks for help in this area I jump all in. After his passing I went on a bender of research. Just haven't gotten far enough to get to B's gear yet. It's on now ;)


Well-Known Member
Thanks JP! that's good insight. I know B has some gold in this arena but Have yet to really get the research in on his lines and what has been found. If I can push the energy of his crosses into it... It will only benefit everyone from what I have felt growing his gear the last few years. Thanks again for giving my staring point of research tonight. I owe ya one!
Good Medicine
Barefoot Dr

I'll take a look in my vault and see what I can find with the ssdd male.

Sunshine #4
Purple sunshine
Cherry sunshine

Off the top of my head.