What did you accomplish today?


Well-Known Member
That's my favorite test. Outdoor around here is embarrassing.
You know my thoughts on reggie are that its not necessarily the mexican straine/genes that make the bud suck so much, but EVERYTHING else. Almost Zero care to growing conditions besides irrigation, dumping burlap bags of ramdom seeds like they'r growing fucking corn. No attention to nutrition, or needs based on life plants cycle. No seperation of male and female. Using Agent orge as insecticide, Drying it bone dry in the sun, no curing= zero flavor. Some of it taste like it sat in a bunker since the Vietnam war. Eck. Id be interested in growing some seed, cutting down any males, propper nutrition for veg and flowering. Harvest based on tricomes, indoor drying and curing etc..
Perfect conditions here, just a hop and a scip under/over "The wall" lol.