Seattle Minimum Wage not working out...

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
The Big Mac analogy is interesting even on the world scale.
When u adjust it for currency even the higher average wage countries the cost is about the same. Makes perfect sense though as fast food is something the poorer people tend to eat if they can afford it. Higher turnover means the price can be kept down.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
doesn't the cost of living go up yearly, irregardless of whether people get a raise or not? i fail to understand why people making more to help with the cost of living is a bad thing..
secondly, if you look at the big mac index, you'd think that a big mac would cost more in states where the minimal wage were higher.. california's minimal wage is higher than pa's, yet some how the price of the big mac in califonia remains cheaper than the price for the same big mac in Pa.
O'Donnell listed the price of Big Macs in various cities around the country: "In Albany, New York, where the minimum wage is $7.25, a Big Mac costs $3.99. In Riverside, California, a Big Mac also costs $3.99, but the California minimum wage is 75 cents higher." He noted San Francisco's higher minimum wage at $10.55, adding "McDonald's still wants to do business there.
Brn with link
people making more to help with the cost of living isn't a bad thing....but it's all we've been doing, and we're falling behind, when you adjust for inflation....nothing in the world wrong with making more money...but the system seems designed to extract that money from the people earning it as quickly as possible....and to slowly give them back less and less for it....
and honestly...the "cost of living" is an artificial construct....why does the cost of living go up every year? why does it cost more to do business every year? why do people need a raise every year? because? that's the way it is? because some people want it that way, so they can make more to add to the pile they couldn't spend if they spent the rest of their lives working at it.....because it distracts the populace from the screwing they're getting, it allows them to get away with slowly giving people less and less while charging more and can say well this costs more or that costs more.....why?...what happened to make it cost more? most of the time, not a single damn thing....except someone decided they want it that way

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
As land in sought after areas gets harder to find then its worth more. Good old supply and demand is one of the causes of inflation. Inflation is a good thing if you have investments and nearly everybody does in one form or another.


Well-Known Member
Going from worse to bad won't fix anything.
That, dumbass, is called an improvement.

You do anything you can to move in the right direction no matter how small the gain. You claw, scratch and bite your way towards the light inch by inch if that's what it takes. That is your job not only as a voter but in life in general.

Your job is not to sit there pipe dreaming about complete bullshit that will never, ever happen. That's called 'wishful thinking', which you seem to be entirely made of and typically ends with things getting worse, which if you look around, they have.

Make a fucking difference. Vote SMART. Stop fucking up the nation by allowing people like Trump into the white house because you think you're wishful thinking is somehow useful to anybody.


Well-Known Member
This was from yesterday.....
I read about it in Popular Mechanics. THREE YEARS AGO.

It's a gas powered model. It doesn't even function as it should. They don't even have the money to develop it at present, which is why it's going nowhere.

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
I read about it in Popular Mechanics. THREE YEARS AGO.

It's a gas powered model. It doesn't even function as it should. They don't even have the money to develop it at present, which is why it's going nowhere.
imagine the amount of batteries it would have to have to pull a decent

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
That's not really the problem. The problem is that he just doesn't have the cash to develop it. What's more, he's up against some pretty stiff competition in that endeavor. There are 4 other makers of electric semi's, two of which are already in operation.
be a problem here.... Long way between anything in the outback. That's why they use road trains.


Well-Known Member
That, dumbass, is called an improvement.

You do anything you can to move in the right direction no matter how small the gain. You claw, scratch and bite your way towards the light inch by inch if that's what it takes. That is your job not only as a voter but in life in general.

Your job is not to sit there pipe dreaming about complete bullshit that will never, ever happen. That's called 'wishful thinking', which you seem to be entirely made of and typically ends with things getting worse, which if you look around, they have.

Make a fucking difference. Vote SMART. Stop fucking up the nation by allowing people like Trump into the white house because you think you're wishful thinking is somehow useful to anybody.
Both political parties support the exact same neoliberal economic political policies their corporate donors pay them to support

One party is more friendly towards social issues (Democrats)

One party is more friendly towards nationalist issues (Republicans)

The leadership of both parties are responsible for focusing on social/nationalist issues (identity politics) because they're paid to, while the economic issues that affect all of these people the most are ignored. Both left and right voters agree on economic issues according to polling.

Stop being a voluntary cog in the designed division of the working class, realize what you're falling for and be smarter than that.


Well-Known Member
Stop being a voluntary cog in the designed division of the working class, realize what you're falling for and be smarter than that.
Says the moron that votes for people that have NO CHANCE IN HELL of ever getting elected. You're completely useless to society. Reason being, you're so interested in holding to your own self-centered belief system that you throw the greater good under the bus.

Now take your ball, go home, and shut the fuck up. Leave the rest to us adults who do the best we can to actually make a difference rather than standing there shouting at the rain like a blithering idiot.


Well-Known Member
imagine the amount of batteries it would have to have to pull a decent
Might not be able to go on many roads as there is weight restrictions for roads and bridges. I could be wrong, but I thought I read somewhere those batteries for semi trucks weigh like 10,000 lbs? Now if it takes three of those batteries to pull 20 tons of freight, that only leaves 10,000 lb wiggle room for the tractor and trailer as most roads/bridges have 80,000 lb limit.

Just the little day cab I sometimes drive weighs around 13-14,000 lbs and the sleeper I drive weighs around 17,000 lbs. I'm not sure what dry van trailers weigh, my guess is around 12-15,000 lbs and a reefer trailer will obviously weigh more.

If those batteries weigh that much, that will greatly reduce the amount of freight those electric trucks can haul
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Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
If more people understood causes of inflation, this might be a more interesting conversation.

Should there be a minimum price for an ounce of weed, even if the weed is not very good?


Well-Known Member
It's a gas hybrid, you dipshit. It's not battery powered entirely.

It's the same fucking prototype he's been driving around for the last several years. All they've done to it in that entire time is put a red paint job on it. It used to be black.
Tesla does not make hybrids.....


Well-Known Member
Tesla does not make hybrids.....




It's the same prototype they've been moving around for years. The actual truck hasn't been developed yet because they don't have the money to do it. They parade that thing around to try to garner interest and get investors to put up the money to develop the actual operational truck.

Jesus Christ on a Crutch, how stupid can you get?


Well-Known Member




It's the same prototype they've been moving around for years. The actual truck hasn't been developed yet because they don't have the money to do it. They parade that thing around to try to garner interest and get investors to put up the money to develop the actual operational truck.

Jesus Christ on a Crutch, how stupid can you get?
I let it slide earlier but you talked about China's program to develop a thorium reactor as if it were a done deal. It is not. All that anybody has managed to build are research prototypes.

Why all the hate on Tesla?


Well-Known Member
Tesla doesn't make prototype's an all electric truck pulling loads on the hwy. I have seen it several times between the Gigafactory in Reno and the Tesla factory in Freemont. It hauls battery packs to the factory....