Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
Ahhh ...homosexual tendencies you have if your only response is that
What's it like ? You know not being able to come out of the closet because you own a gun and your friends think you are a man
Yeah whatever mate think what like.
Couldt care less.

Your the one fighting ya boyfriends battles.
Whos the poof?


Well-Known Member
You havnt changed one bit
Always acting the hard nut
You should jump out of a plane with rewerb but he gets the parachute you don't
Not hard at all.
Why would i magically change. Free forum ill say it as i see it.
My feelings are sooooo hurt :clap:
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Well-Known Member
Red Leicester is an old favourite of mine
I smoked it first time last nite and fucking greened out!! Two loosely packed cones like usual and I was fucked up. I tried to stand up and couldn’t lol my legs went jelly and my head was spinning out of control. Hubby wasn’t home so I was stuck sitting outside for about an hour before I dared trying to get up again.
So yeah officially not my favourite strain in the world. I gave four vegging plants of it away just this morning.


Well-Known Member
Deadset got a Q of moldy shit for 100 =( i will post pics when my nets not being garbage, my lungs are dead
Fuck that’s not cheap. I’ll try and find this article I read over a year ago, it was a study on Australian cannabis flowers. They tested 50 different samples of weed 3g per sample and I’m pretty sure that over 80% came back with a positive test more mould. The article did say it doesn’t determine the amount just a a positive or negative reading. I remember thinking that can’t be right, that’s fucked lol.
But fuck I used get it a bit a few times I’ve driven back in the past and said are you fucken serious. They would always be like your the only one that’s said anything, I used to respond with most people are fucking idiots.