Tell me if this setup is good enough to grow a couple plants? (pictures encluded)


Well-Known Member
I don't care if the backdoor is made out of cardboard that is a fire risk and you won't grow anything in there.


Well-Known Member
That still make me nervous bro, a grow area is already a fire-hazard so-to-speak with all the electricity and water, I'd avoid adding any "kindling" at any costs


Well-Known Member
Hey hey... calm.

If its just that front part you're talking about... run a 2x4 across the top of the grow area, then hang a large black tarp down... making sure it blocks all light when lowers..

Its how Mr Green makes his grow areas! :) I love Mr. Green


Active Member
so your saying i cant grow plants because theres a fire risk? i grew 2 chronic plants with that same light and black plastic bags instead of cardboard and there was no fire so idk man


Well-Known Member
If your going cfl i wouldn't think twice about the cardboard being there. Hard to give suggestions, because I'm a little lost from the pics. What are your dimensions in the cloest? Is it merely a full closet behind a door of cardboard?


Active Member
yeah its just a cardboard door in the corner of my closet and the top is open my light is hanging from the pole that i hang my cloths on


Well-Known Member
so your saying i cant grow plants because theres a fire risk? i grew 2 chronic plants with that same light and black plastic bags instead of cardboard and there was no fire so idk man

Chronic is also known as the weed that you don't know what the name of it is so you want to sell it at a expensive price.


Well-Known Member
lol, a little ghetto... i like that ... :joint:

sooo, suggestions... i assume your not looking for: clear everything out of the closet (get a moveable clothes rack for all your clothes) set up a single hps, some giant pots, good soil, fan, etc ? cause thats all i got...