What's your earliest childhood memories?


Well-Known Member
We were having a discussion earlier about early childhood memories, and what's the norm. Most people that I've ever spoken to on this subject have an early recollection of about 4 or 5. I think I might be a little different than everyone else. I seem to have extremely early recollections. For example, I remember my mother bathing me once and I had a little... er... accident. I leapt into her arms because I thought 'it' was chasing me. She then dried me off and dressed me in a nappy... I must have been younger than 2 because I was fully toilet trained by then. I remember Bobby, the dog we had when I was about 2. We also had cockateils at the time... I remember playing with them too.

I have a theory as to why I can remember such early events. You see, I learnt to read fluently at the age of 3 (rather than 5-6... the accepted age to start school here in Aus). All my life I've had a need to know the answers to questions that I have. Now, I'm not saying that I'm a great brain either... let's say I'm on the higher side of average in the intelligence stakes. Neither am I saying that my memory is great... far from it... my short term memory really sucks. But I have always found it easy to learn things, and there are very early 'cornerstone' memories that I have retained all my life.

Now, as to my theory... I wonder whether the early memories are associated with early learning. Do you think that by switching on my learning at an earlier age, was my memory also switched on to a greater degree than most toddlers?

So I started this thread to find out what is the average for early childhood recollection... What's your earliest memory?


Well-Known Member
idlk what age but I'll guess 3-4 and its crazy cause I didn't think I knew that shit till I tried remembering myself a long time ago. yea I have a lot of memories but I don't know ages sooo


Well-Known Member
Eating dinner with the family when we saw the neighbor kid stick his ass right out a second story window next door and take a dump.

Age 5?


Active Member
I have a few distinct memories in which I remember everything being black and white...I actually believed color was 'invented' right before I turned 5 because of these memories. For whatever reason, my earliest recollections are all monochromatic...

The earliest I can remember is walking to 7-11 one really hot summer day with my brother for a slurpee and stopping behind the record store so my brother could pick up something, which I found out about 8 years later was weed :). This memory is in black and white too. I was probably 4.


New Member
when i was 3-4 my mom and dad would drink coronas and they would give me sips..they called it momma and popa juice


Active Member
Getting my ass beat on my 3rd birthday cause i cried cause i got a blue power ranger and i wanted a red one haha


Well-Known Member
Throwing up in the LA Zoo parking lot at like age 4
throwing up on about 3 kids in the row in front of me during reading time in the firs grade ;) throwing up hot Cheeto's out side a rite aid then when we were leaving a bike cop stopped and started cleaning it up lmao :lol:


New Member
We were having a discussion earlier about early childhood memories, and what's the norm. Most people that I've ever spoken to on this subject have an early recollection of about 4 or 5. I think I might be a little different than everyone else. I seem to have extremely early recollections. For example, I remember my mother bathing me once and I had a little... er... accident. I leapt into her arms because I thought 'it' was chasing me. She then dried me off and dressed me in a nappy... I must have been younger than 2 because I was fully toilet trained by then. I remember Bobby, the dog we had when I was about 2. We also had cockateils at the time... I remember playing with them too.

I have a theory as to why I can remember such early events. You see, I learnt to read fluently at the age of 3 (rather than 5-6... the accepted age to start school here in Aus). All my life I've had a need to know the answers to questions that I have. Now, I'm not saying that I'm a great brain either... let's say I'm on the higher side of average in the intelligence stakes. Neither am I saying that my memory is great... far from it... my short term memory really sucks. But I have always found it easy to learn things, and there are very early 'cornerstone' memories that I have retained all my life.

Now, as to my theory... I wonder whether the early memories are associated with early learning. Do you think that by switching on my learning at an earlier age, was my memory also switched on to a greater degree than most toddlers?

So I started this thread to find out what is the average for early childhood recollection... What's your earliest memory?
earliest...hmm...i remember just being capable of walking, because running really top heavy is a major part of this memory. i was sprinting around the house trying to keep my head over my feet, got tired and made my way to the fridge..i grabbed what i thought was a sippy cup of juice, which turned out to to be tomatoe sauce. tossed my cookies and had a nap on the kitchen floor. the next memory i have is pretty shortly after that, and i only have flashes of it - the rest was filled in from my mother.
Ran into the bathroom while my mother was getting ready for work and saw a red hot looking sword on the sink! i grabbed it by the hot part to make sure it was a real sword...it was a curling iron, i screamed but couldnt release, then im pretty sure i had a nap right after that aswell..

these are my two most distinct and vivid "childhood memories" the first one i had to be about 2 and a half or 3, the second was about 1 year later.


Well-Known Member
We were having a discussion earlier about early childhood memories, and what's the norm. Most people that I've ever spoken to on this subject have an early recollection of about 4 or 5. I think I might be a little different than everyone else. I seem to have extremely early recollections. For example, I remember my mother bathing me once and I had a little... er... accident. I leapt into her arms because I thought 'it' was chasing me. She then dried me off and dressed me in a nappy... I must have been younger than 2 because I was fully toilet trained by then. I remember Bobby, the dog we had when I was about 2. We also had cockateils at the time... I remember playing with them too.

I have a theory as to why I can remember such early events. You see, I learnt to read fluently at the age of 3 (rather than 5-6... the accepted age to start school here in Aus). All my life I've had a need to know the answers to questions that I have. Now, I'm not saying that I'm a great brain either... let's say I'm on the higher side of average in the intelligence stakes. Neither am I saying that my memory is great... far from it... my short term memory really sucks. But I have always found it easy to learn things, and there are very early 'cornerstone' memories that I have retained all my life.

Now, as to my theory... I wonder whether the early memories are associated with early learning. Do you think that by switching on my learning at an earlier age, was my memory also switched on to a greater degree than most toddlers?

So I started this thread to find out what is the average for early childhood recollection... What's your earliest memory?
cool subject first of all :D

I started reading with 3 aswell... went to school with 4...... :) I remember many cases, running along somewhere and smashing in to my our hamster cage :) .... no knowing i had cut myself, my mum just looks shock'd, i remember looking at her and say whaaattt ????

she looks at my leg, i look at my leg... and coverd in blood :) hehehe.. still got the scar, guess it got huge as the years went on just stretchd out :D


My fathers orange vw that got tookaway for some reason ??

these are memories of when i was about 2 years old.... :) Oh, i remember taking my dog out the first time....... didnt go well.... :) i wanted to ride him.

ahhhhhhhh .... lol like anyone cares about that ^^ but thats what i remember from my early early earliest memories...


Well-Known Member
Another early memory I have is of us going on a long drive to the house of a really old man and his wife. They had an old cockatoo that had lost all of his feathers and they dressed him in little clothes that the old lady would knit to keep him warm. She showed me the little wardrobe that she kept all of his clothes in. I remember playing downstairs, and in an area under the house that was full of really old stuff for most of the time that we were there. There was an old guitar with a couple of missing strings there, and I was playing with it. When it was time to go the old man said that I could have it because I seemed so interested in it.

Many years later I related this memory to my mother, who looked rather shocked. "You can't be talking about Uncle *insert name here* and Aunty *ditto*. Aunty died just after your second birthday, and Uncle died of a broken heart a month later. We did go to visit them about a month or two before... but you wouldn't remember that." She was fairly shocked to hear me describe the bird and the details of his little outfits.


New Member
I remember before I ws even two, we were moving (but I didn't understand that concept at the time) My parents put all the toys in the trunk of the car and my mom and brother got it in and drove away leaving me with my father. I remember having a screaming fit because I didn't understand what was going on.

I remember even before that, my grandma owned a bar and we lived next door. My mom used to clean the place up during the day. I remember being there with my little kid broom "helping" her sweep the floors. It was a real trip when I got older and went there for drinks. It was like I could see myself sweeping the floor. I could even point out the exact spot.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I was in a diaper( I was trained by two as well) and I asked my big brother for a bottle.He was babysitting me, he was about sixteen or so.I watched him heat me one up on the stove, then he held me in the rocking chair and gave it to me and I fell asleep.(I was also reading at three.)
We were having a discussion earlier about early childhood memories, and what's the norm. Most people that I've ever spoken to on this subject have an early recollection of about 4 or 5. I think I might be a little different than everyone else. I seem to have extremely early recollections. For example, I remember my mother bathing me once and I had a little... er... accident. I leapt into her arms because I thought 'it' was chasing me. She then dried me off and dressed me in a nappy... I must have been younger than 2 because I was fully toilet trained by then. I remember Bobby, the dog we had when I was about 2. We also had cockateils at the time... I remember playing with them too.

I have a theory as to why I can remember such early events. You see, I learnt to read fluently at the age of 3 (rather than 5-6... the accepted age to start school here in Aus). All my life I've had a need to know the answers to questions that I have. Now, I'm not saying that I'm a great brain either... let's say I'm on the higher side of average in the intelligence stakes. Neither am I saying that my memory is great... far from it... my short term memory really sucks. But I have always found it easy to learn things, and there are very early 'cornerstone' memories that I have retained all my life.

Now, as to my theory... I wonder whether the early memories are associated with early learning. Do you think that by switching on my learning at an earlier age, was my memory also switched on to a greater degree than most toddlers?

So I started this thread to find out what is the average for early childhood recollection... What's your earliest memory?


Well-Known Member
Cursed with an eidectic memory I remember way too much. The memory makes people around me uneasy. They say it feels like being filmed. My earliest complete memory is being stuck between the crib and the wall. I was less than 6 mo old and this was my first escape attempt.


Well-Known Member
Throwing up in the LA Zoo parking lot at like age 4
You know, it's ironic that this is the first reply on this thread... many of us have early memories of throwing up. You'd think that would be something you'd want to forget. But... it seems that blowing chunks is one of the most important things in life... :spew: :bigjoint:

I have a few distinct memories in which I remember everything being black and white...I actually believed color was 'invented' right before I turned 5 because of these memories. For whatever reason, my earliest recollections are all monochromatic...
Now for something completely unrelated to the subject... but you made me think about it.
When I was little I used to dream in black and white. I remember having a dream once in which I was violently attacked by a big black wolf and killed. It was in full colour, and it scared the crap out of me. I convinced myself that since I usually dreamt in b/w, this must have been a vision of the future and not a dream. I wouldn't leave the house for... I don't know how long...
I would have been about 5, I guess...

she looks at my leg, i look at my leg... and coverd in blood :) hehehe.. still got the scar, guess it got huge as the years went on just stretchd out :D
I have two scars on my leg from falling on some roofing iron when I was 3 or 4. I remember us getting a massive storm the night before... a really bad one. My parents took all the mattresses from the beds and laid them out in the hallway so that we had one on the floor, one standing against the wall, and two or three leaning from wall to wall... it made kind of a triangle. My mother collected some food, water and a radio, and we all sat inside the mattress triangle, listening to the crackly old radio until the storm stopped.

In the morning there were trees down all around, and several sheets of roofing iron had blown off into the paddock. My Dad and brothers started collecting all the iron and laying it out on the lawn next to the house. To me it just looked like a long silver road. Imagining I was Dorothy, I began to skip along on top of the roofing iron.... then I fell c*#t up and cut the crap out of my leg in two places. There was blood everywhere... I was worried that I would bleed to death. Those two scars are still there now too. They look kind of like a semi-colon... a little wink on my leg... :bigjoint:

Getting my ass beat on my 3rd birthday cause i cried cause i got a blue power ranger and i wanted a red one haha
:shock: My son did that!!... except he wanted a green one... I'm pretty sure it was his 3rd birthday too... :o ....hmmmmm... what's your name, son?

Cursed with an eidectic memory I remember way too much. The memory makes people around me uneasy. They say it feels like being filmed. My earliest complete memory is being stuck between the crib and the wall. I was less than 6 mo old and this was my first escape attempt.
Wow, that's really young. Do you remember thinking about escaping? I mean, did you consciously decided to escape... did you think about how you were going to do it... I guess I mean, did you have a set plan, or was it just a mistake that you ended up in that position? I'm curious...


Well-Known Member
Ph03nix "Wow, that's really young. Do you remember thinking about escaping? I mean, did you consciously decided to escape... did you think about how you were going to do it... I guess I mean, did you have a set plan, or was it just a mistake that you ended up in that position? I'm curious..."

No, it was not escape I was lonely. I was looking for a person. This was thought before language. I wanted human contact.
Yes it was planned my coordination was poor and I got stuck.