26 DAYS FLOWER! awsome PICS, check this


Well-Known Member
Fuck bro congrats there looking wild for 26 days im only on my second day of flowering now cant wait


Active Member
she is lookin lovely congrats bruv!!
im only 10 days into sprouting lool got ages to goo...
good luck make sure u keep use updated


Active Member
lookin great man. keep it up. check out my current work in my sig. I'm at almost the same place you are in my grow. peace


Well-Known Member
thanks ill check it out right now. cant wait to cut this little girl down. Shes got hundreds of crystals on her


Well-Known Member
I love seeing people totally excited about their accomplishments!

You should be proud man, looks GREAT :)


Well-Known Member
Damn! cfls to flower too? If so thats fat! I am an outdoor grower but that plant makes me wana go grab some fls. Nice!


Well-Known Member
unknown strain, BAGSEED. and i have only five 27w CFLS and four 4' tubes. Thanks for all the support. let me know if you have any advice/comments.
And im adding 1TBS of big bloom and 1TSP of tiger per gal.


New Member
Real fuckin nice nigga!!!thoise look healthy,and I bet they stank!!

hoever can i in any way urge you to buy a h.i.d light of some sort??You obvisuly are a great gardener.so bump up the growth speed,yield,and overall healthiness to the plants by using hps light...you can get a 150,or 250w if your strapped for cash..or just a nice 400w hps 150$ DELIVERED....complete system,works great...

either way,those plants look REALLY GOOD....


Well-Known Member
thanks but this is my first and last grow unfortinitly. so im doin the cheap way this time. cant start any big grows, as i get up and go to highschool everyday :)


Well-Known Member
that is looking dank and hella fat man especially for 26 days and no big fancy grow lights with high energy usage ,looks like youve got it down good grow and keep it up