Dwc Grow Club


Well-Known Member
the sediment could very well be from the rock wool. When I have used rockwoll in the past it would do the same to me! Did you rinse your hydrotron? How are you trying to lower your PH?


Active Member
the sediment could very well be from the rock wool. When I have used rockwoll in the past it would do the same to me! Did you rinse your hydrotron? How are you trying to lower your PH?

Hey...and thanks for the reply! I rinsed the hydroton extremely well...felt that it needed it, alot of sediment and clay colored water rinsed away. I'm using the same stuff that I used in my fish aquarium to lower the pH. I've adjusted the shit out of it...and it keeps reading over 7. You think I should just keep trying to lower it, or should I just say **ck it and change my solution? (I'm using Technaflora plant products ltd. Recipe for success. A kit that was recommended to me locally and, at this stage, includes a solution of BC Boost, BC Grow, Thrive Alive B-1, MagiCal, and SugarDaddy. I'm also using Grozyme (also recommended to me locally) along with this solution. I've gotta get a ppm meter asap...what do I need to look for when I buy one?
Thanks again!


Active Member
Hey...and thanks for the reply! I rinsed the hydroton extremely well...felt that it needed it, alot of sediment and clay colored water rinsed away. I'm using the same stuff that I used in my fish aquarium to lower the pH. I've adjusted the shit out of it...and it keeps reading over 7. You think I should just keep trying to lower it, or should I just say **ck it and change my solution? (I'm using Technaflora plant products ltd. Recipe for success. A kit that was recommended to me locally and, at this stage, includes a solution of BC Boost, BC Grow, Thrive Alive B-1, MagiCal, and SugarDaddy. I'm also using Grozyme (also recommended to me locally) along with this solution. I've gotta get a ppm meter asap...what do I need to look for when I buy one?
Thanks again!
Get hold of some phosphoric acid when you get your ppm meter man! You don't really want to use aquarium pH down. I would get some hydroponic pH down (phosphoric acid) and start over with new nute solution. An EC meter will allow you to monitor ppm, which is very advisable.


Well-Known Member
what strenght are you mixing the nutes to? I use maybe 1/8 to 1/4 streight and I use IONIC. Get some PH down at ur local supplier, I have used the tank ph down and I was not happy with it. I would change ur res and start fresh! And from what I learned from onthedl is make some 3% H2O2 part of your nut's. I was never happy using rockwool and with that said I no longer use it.


Active Member
Thanks alot guys! I'm gonna have to make another trip...spend some more money and buy an EC meter and some phos. acid. I've got alot invested already and don't want my babies to die before they even get a chance!


Active Member
Hey guys...done alot of reading and am a week into my first dwc grow. My seedlings have been in 3 gallon buckets for a couple days now in net pots with Hydroton. This morning I noticed that 3 of 7 seedlings looked like they were dying...drooped over completely. I was thinking that maybe the solution didn't bubble up into the hydroton enough to get to the rockwool the seedlings were in. I added a little water to each....hopefully they will perk up. My other problem is that my pH is way too high....I'm following the directions exactly from my nutes...but the pH is well over 7 and I'm having a very hard time getting it to stay down. I noticed alot of sediment at the bottom of my buckets (white/yellowish powdery sediment...) Please help with some advice on what to do next....I don't want my healthy seedlings to all die!
What ever the sediment is it's not good. Your gonna want to clean the res. What type of nutes r u using? During seedling stage you don't want alot of nutes anyway.

I would germ my seed paper towel and then put the seed in a peat pod already set in my hydroton. I would then put my basket in a bowl and hand feed the plant until I saw roots coming out of the bottom of the basket. Then set her in the 3 gallon bucket add 1/4 tsp of veg nutes balance ph and then let them be for a week till I changed res. I let the ph climb for 2 days and then balence. after a week change res and repeat. But adding another 1/4 tsp of nutes when I changed the res.

What type of solution have you made?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, hopefully this will be an easy question.

Recently I have been having temp issues in my res. It gets up to about 80F with lights on.

I have a 400w hps/mh lamp, and it is keeping the res way too warm.

Can anyone recomend a cheap and easy way to cool my res. I already have a fan blowing accrossed the top of it, but it does almost nothing to the high temps.


Active Member
Hey guys, hopefully this will be an easy question.

Recently I have been having temp issues in my res. It gets up to about 80F with lights on.

I have a 400w hps/mh lamp, and it is keeping the res way too warm.

Can anyone recomend a cheap and easy way to cool my res. I already have a fan blowing accrossed the top of it, but it does almost nothing to the high temps.
How big is the res. I know of people keeping soda bottles full of ice from the freezer. change them out every day or add when lights are on.


Well-Known Member
How big is the res. I know of people keeping soda bottles full of ice from the freezer. change them out every day or add when lights are on.

The res is a 10g Fish tank.

When I got home today, I raised my light up a bit more, and repositioned my fan. Seems to be helping a lot, most likely to moving the light up another 6 inches is what’s making the biggest difference

Another question I have is: How much room do you think I’m going to need once I start flowering?

I have about 5 feet of vertical growing space. Think that’s enough?


Well-Known Member
Hey Atrum if ur working with an unknown strain or bagseed i guess. Id reccomend force flowering at least 10-12 inches..Ive had plants quadruple in size. Especially with high heat issues..
Id say personally that low 80's is fine for room temps man. Mine get up to 84 degrees.
Mid seventies res temps arent that bad either thats about where mine are sitting when the lights are on.
Keep ur PH steady at 5.8.
Add a couple tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide when u change ur res and u should be fine.
PH is the key and preventative maintenance does'nt hurt either..Hydrogen peroxide.


Well-Known Member
Hey Atrum if ur working with an unknown strain or bagseed i guess. Id reccomend force flowering at least 10-12 inches..Ive had plants quadruple in size. Especially with high heat issues..
Id say personally that low 80's is fine for room temps man. Mine get up to 84 degrees.
Mid seventies res temps arent that bad either thats about where mine are sitting when the lights are on.
Keep ur PH steady at 5.8.
Add a couple tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide when u change ur res and u should be fine.
PH is the key and preventative maintenance does'nt hurt either..Hydrogen peroxide.

The strain I have is Medusa. Any info on growing that strain?


Active Member
What ever the sediment is it's not good. Your gonna want to clean the res. What type of nutes r u using? During seedling stage you don't want alot of nutes anyway.

I would germ my seed paper towel and then put the seed in a peat pod already set in my hydroton. I would then put my basket in a bowl and hand feed the plant until I saw roots coming out of the bottom of the basket. Then set her in the 3 gallon bucket add 1/4 tsp of veg nutes balance ph and then let them be for a week till I changed res. I let the ph climb for 2 days and then balence. after a week change res and repeat. But adding another 1/4 tsp of nutes when I changed the res.

What type of solution have you made?
Thank You for the help!! I really like the idea of starting them in the hydroton in a bowl until the roots reach down! I think I would have much better luck (as it is, I think 50% of my seedlings are dying and don't really look to be coming back. Probably because they dried out before the roots could get to the solution. The only thing I don't like is the Peat Pucks...I tried a few of these at the same time as the rockwool, with very bad luck.....I may have overwatered them...not sure...) Why do you recommend peat pucks instead of rockwool??
I'm using Technaflora plant products ltd. Recipe for success. A kit that was recommended to me locally and, at this stage, includes a solution of BC Boost, BC Grow, Thrive Alive B-1, MagiCal, and SugarDaddy. I'm also using Grozyme (also recommended to me locally) along with this solution.
Thanks again for the help...ALL suggestions and tips are very welcome!!!
I'm trying to post pics....but it's telling me that a security token is missing????


Active Member
man those roots look insane. how do they stay so clean and white. with all the additives it seems mine turn tan after a while. also how did they get so full and lucious?


Well-Known Member
Im not really sure anyone was ever left on the porch lmao man. Everyone here is pretty cool. I cant even remember i have toes half the time.

The rest of the rules apply. LMAO man thanks for the laugh.