pc grow case


Well-Known Member
well just for kicks i decided to build a pc grow case. cost me 25 dollars for everything. going to scrog after the 3 plants are fimmed. 2 skunk seeds and 1 indica. about a week or so since sprouting. i will keep the updates steady. if anyone wants more pics of the box or anything just let me know. hope you all enjoy:joint:



Well-Known Member
well nothing major has happened. although i am noticing red on the new leafs. (pic) if someone knows what this is and if its bad i would appreciate it. i also have a small indica that hasnt really done much so i will take picures of that once it picks up.



Well-Known Member
Case looks good mate.
I've had that redness come through at the same stage in some plants. Best guess is that it is caused by heat stress, but my plant grew out fine so I wouldn't worry about it too much.


Well-Known Member
Looking good man. I had some redness in leaves my first time through. I was never able to diagnose it, but it didn't affect much.


Well-Known Member
thanks, was the only pc i had lying around so i was forced to scrog them. these are the first plants that ever did this to me, all my others were green lol. the small indica i have is growing prple, but i assume this b/c it is a purple strain. once my 5 finger leafs devlop i will top them. :peace:


Well-Known Member
today i decided to give the 2 main plants a small dose of fertilizer. half of an 8th tsp/gal water. going to watch closely and see how they react. im thinking about putting the 3 rooted plants into a rectange tuppeware container. added a fresh clone to the box. will post pics tomorow afternoon. :joint:


Well-Known Member
Each plant has just started to devolope its 7 finger leaves. internode growth is good and they seem to be growing pretty good



Well-Known Member
they have slowed growing from topping. they should start picking up soon. im going to seperate the plants tomorrow. crossing my fingers that each is a female.:joint:



Well-Known Member
Well today i split the two plants up. Each now has its own pot so i can begin lst for the scrog setup. I fabbed the screen up to fit in the pc, once the plants recover from topping and transplant i will begin scrogging. advice or comments are appreciated. this is myfirst ever cfl and pc grow so im planning to get a oz at the most.


Active Member
Nice grow, love the case and those lil babies are looking great. a+ job man +rep & subscribed.


Well-Known Member
Nice grow, love the case and those lil babies are looking great. a+ job man +rep & subscribed.
thanks for the feedback. i have a feeling once these babies are scrogged they're going to go crazy. they seem to be indica dominant so i should get some potent dense buds.


Well-Known Member
Nice grow! Keep me posted on what's going on. I am looking into building a similar grow. Does anyone know a guide or tutorial on building one of these pc grow cases? Also, with such a small grow would SCROGing benefit any? Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
Subscribed bro, I love these PC grow case things! Good luck!!
thankss man, its only personal use and i just having fun doing an expirement.

Nice grow! Keep me posted on what's going on. I am looking into building a similar grow. Does anyone know a guide or tutorial on building one of these pc grow cases? Also, with such a small grow would SCROGing benefit any? Thanks in advance.
im not sure of any. i am going to scrog mine, the only reason why i think it would work is because of the height and light restrictions. the canopy will get all of the light and with such a small space and intense light it should yield pretty good.

Although today i did notice nute burn on the second set of leaves, i flushed them and they should be fine. i think that tranplanting and topping them stunted them, i believe i ripped many roots :cry::cry: but it was for the plants benefit. pictures will be comming soon


Well-Known Member
Not something I've seen before except maybe on ElephantRider's thread. Dunno if it's the same though as his plants are still very healthy.
What temps do you have and what nutes are you using


Well-Known Member
Not something I've seen before except maybe on ElephantRider's thread. Dunno if it's the same though as his plants are still very healthy.
What temps do you have and what nutes are you using
temp was one of my ideas of why it happened. there is never a steady temperature. Id say 50 at the lowest when its cold outside, and no more than 80 when its hot outside.I moved the case into my bonus room and it gets like an oven on warm days. but with the 3 fans going it keeps it managable. As far as nutes i used (8th tsp/per gal) miracle grow all purpose food. Im hoping moving the plants into my room will make this problem never reappear.