My favorite places to smoke.......wheres yours?


Well-Known Member
so whats your favorite place to smoke.... theres quite a large hill by my place that has a cliff on one side. there is a waterfall that flows over that we smoke under sometimes. if you go up top you can sit on the edge of the cliff and smoke. at night you can see surrounding cities.. its not much since i live in wisconsin, not like im overlooking any big city. but, by far my best smoking times are peace cruises. i can hop in the truck and smoke n drive FOREVER! iv never been bored on a peace-cruz! road trips to, i always have a bowl packed and smoked every 30miles lol. i even set my odometer in case im too high to remember that its time to smoke again:joint::peace:


Active Member
forgot this was a growing site...........i MUST be the only one on here that grows AND smokes lol
Dude I sat down at my PC like 6 hours ago, had a Dr. Pepper and a cig and read this thread. Then I smoked a hooter and re-read this thread. Since then I have been doing nothing but hitting hooters, drinking Dr. Pepper and contemplating this thread. So after hours of deep, near meditative thought I have came to the conclusion that every place I smoke is my favorite place to smoke.


Active Member
I climb trees and smk. It pretty nice! One night i had this lady right under me walking her dog, and i was smking on a huge blunt. I just kept smking a it was NICE!!! haha


Well-Known Member
You can beat driving and smoking I by far love it more then an where else. I think its the changing of the scenery that really gets me. I have a place that I drive its about 20miles through a park going 40 mph and there is only 4 lights the whole way. But I know its the worse thing to do is drive and smoke but I just can't help it.


Well-Known Member
lol dude i wanna climb trees and smoke haha... that sounds like a fuckn blast, and id feel like a kid again


Active Member
On a boat in the bay. Especially at sunset or rise. The water is usually calm at this time of day where I'm at and the changing sky and clouds is awesome to look at. Really anyplace out of the city where I can't see buildings is my favorite.


Well-Known Member
I sit on my roof and smoke and look out at the suburban rat race I also like to climb trees any were high is were I like to get high


Well-Known Member
I like sitting on the deck of my sailboat , smoking a nice spliff , listening to some Marley watching the sunset or rise over the Islands . Nothing like blue water , clear skies and an ocean breeze to help you relax and enjoy your buzz .


Well-Known Member
i wish i lived in the cali area. My buddy used to live there. He said there is a big hill outside LA where you can see all of La, and the surrounding communities. Its right near LAX so he said the lights on the planes look like headlights from a distance...then they keep getting closer and closer till they fly right over the top of your head... Sounds like a great go vacation in LA just to smoke in that spot haha


Well-Known Member
Smoke a blunt walking through a 4 star hotel. I had been drinking at the bar down the street from the hotel. We then got a blunt from the car in the parking garage and started to walking down the parking garage smoking and then right into the hotel lobby. I forgot I had the blunt until I got to the room with it. Not a word from the hotel staff, But I would never try that again.
haha thats funny with the joint in the hotel.... wud like to try that.
i just love smoking way out in the bush sitting on a rock or something in the sun. i like it when its very peaceful and you can smell the fresh breeze along with pot. very relaxing
anybody ever smoke somewhere were later you were like wow i cant believe i did that?
i smoked weed next to the parliment buildings during a class trip last year and i couldn't believe we pulled it off, there were cops everywhere and we we only like 100 feet away from it next to a statue. then we sprinkled the roach on the front steps hehe:joint:


Well-Known Member
i wish i lived in the cali area. My buddy used to live there. He said there is a big hill outside LA where you can see all of La, and the surrounding communities. Its right near LAX so he said the lights on the planes look like headlights from a distance...then they keep getting closer and closer till they fly right over the top of your head... Sounds like a great go vacation in LA just to smoke in that spot haha
i think i know were that is ya thats a wonderful spot