1st grow - need help!!!


ryt i have been growing these babies for quite a while now - cant memba exactly how long n dont know how long they have been in flower - about a month or so

there are quite a few pistils reddening even tho there isnt hardly any bud on it probz not even a spliff lol - when will these babies calxys swell up i need to know coz i keep finkin they guna yeild terrible.

the leaves have began frosting but not on the fan leaves just near the bud sites - i have used nowmal miracle grow during veg and for a lil time while flowering - i dont use no flowering nutes so is that y there is ardly no bud on it - when i luk at over plants pics on here mine luk nothin like them flowering wise so plz tell me wats up with myn.

also cud it be coz im using 4 normal energy bulbs

take a look at the pics an let me kno - there are some burns on the leaves n the tip of every leaf is yellowing - what dat mean?



Well-Known Member
Yeah man you didnt feed em well at all so your not going to yeild anything hardly.
That really sucks.
Read the stickies in the newvie section, loads of info there.
Im a noob, and I'm going to tell you, don't use MG products, they aren't nearly the best you can do for them, it's easy to burn them, which looks like you have.
never use MG for flower, it makes your smoke nasty, everyone will agree with me there.

And what does "4 normal enegery bulbs" mean?

it's like this you get what you put into it, lokos like you weren't well enough informed (so read here ALOT) and didn't put anything into it and now your learning you won't get anything.
Hard lesson.

You need to keep better track of what you do and times, it's hard to help you out. The plant looks really small, you need to invest some money, get some CFLs
6500k (day light) for Veg
2700k (soft white) flower

Im sure your soil isn't up to par either so research that as well.
Gonna have to try again, it's ok man we learn as we go.
I'll try and help ya if I can.
Check out my current gros I try to be cost efficent


Well-Known Member
Really, your plants don't look too bad, considering... You definitely want to feed them something, especially when flowering. Regular light? You mean like, incandescent bulbs? That's a problem, too. You need some real light.

Let's call this a learning experience. Your plants look pretty healthy, despite the fact that there's very little flowering actually happening. Might do okay if you topped them and put them back into veg for a bit - let the new colas grow and then flip them back into flowering (with some fertilizer!!). You could take some clones, also. Just trying to think of how you can salvage something out of this grow without having to start again from seed. Clones, definitely. Top and reveg, possibly.


kk thanx but i was hoping a few of u wud say its ok they will fatten up and explode with bud in the last 2 weeks or sumert lol

was planning on revegging after harvest i wana smoke outa em lol - if i bought some nutes like megabloom or sumert wud this explode bud growth

n the bulbs using are energy saving cfl i fink no many watts each but i dont no the colour temp - n how long til harvest peeps


n my soil is just soil from a compost bin that has been baked - im using tin foil to line my grow and its pretty cold in the grow room now because of weather change what temps is ideal?


does the size of pots restrict bud growth 2 because if so i will repot and then start using a flowering nute with some overdrive or bigbud to see what happens - then i am going to chop the top of and get what i can outa em for a smoke - but fairly far down leaving a couple of bud sites - which i will reveg then let 2 top heads grow a bit with about 2 nodes each then top again so 4 main colas then shuv back in flowering with maybe better lights by then and defo nutes and better soil - sound like a plan? get bak 2 me


Well-Known Member
I would love to help but your post is to hard to read with all the cool words you use instead of the real word. I spent to much time trying to figure out what you were saying. Try ti be a bit clearer with the words in the future.


what i am sayin is this - if i start using flowering feed and bloom enhancer such as bigbud or overdrive will i yeild a decent yeild - yes or no
nd also will it work if i reveg it then top and top again.


Well-Known Member
Yes if you use a good ferts you will see a huge differance. And you can top and reveg but it takes forever. Its better to take some cuttings just before you move to flowering then root the cuttings veg them for 2 or 3 weeks and take cuttings from the best of thoes cuttings before you put them in to flowering. Keep doing this cycle and every 2 weeks or so you will be harvesting a couple mature plants just as you are ready to move some veged cuttings in to the flower area. its a great way to keep your supply constant. I call my grow a machine because by doing this it cranks out buds and im never wanting.


i just dont have the money for an op like that lol im onli young and unemployed - so with my plants now i am going to get a flowering feeder and put some overdrive in them - then within 2 weeks ill post new pics to see if my bud has grown ye - n nah if my plants dont die off after harvest i will reveg for 2weeks with veg nutes then reflower again haha i herd that with the same plant reveged then reflowered lots its a lot better


infact i do not have enuf money for bloooming nutes so will tomatoa feed works or something else really cheap - i myt get some overdrive tho unless any1 knows of anything cheaper that has just as gud results


Well-Known Member
If your that broke your not going to get much out of them.
It's hard with no money, trust me I kno, I sold all my shit to get my goin.
With no money there is no way to expect much.
You aren't using the right color spec, so your not going to get good results.
I dont know where to tell you to start

you need to do alot of reading and do a new gro, maybe save some money first...


Well-Known Member
This is very important: You need the right spectrum of light for flowering. CFLs are fine, but they need to be 2700-3000k "soft white" or "warm white" bulbs. If the plants aren't getting the right spectrum of light during flowering, you aren't going to see as much yield.

Other factors like pot size, nutrients, etc, are important also - but without the right light these things won't make much of a difference.


Well-Known Member
This is very important: You need the right spectrum of light for flowering. CFLs are fine, but they need to be 2700-3000k "soft white" or "warm white" bulbs. If the plants aren't getting the right spectrum of light during flowering, you aren't going to see as much yield.

Other factors like pot size, nutrients, etc, are important also - but without the right light these things won't make much of a difference.
Well put, the only thing I heard right was compost.

Guy needs to sit down and rethink the whole thing


the lights look the correct spectrum maybe somewhere in the daytime region - but the package doesnt state colour temp and neither do any of these bulbs i have seen for cheap - nd i know that nutrients are not needed becuase i have just got the book from seemorebud.com and he gets 3 ounce of 1 plant using 6 cfl and thats it - he does ph check his water a lot and keeps a tight watering schedule - what im guna do know - im just going to wait for these 2 finish but use overdrvie so i get a good yeild n i figure i will be able to skip seedling stage if i dont harvest it all and then reveg and reflower but with 4 or maybe 8 main colas n this time i will correct soil mixtures and ph my water - and obviously get the correct spectrum of bulb nd guna get more bulbs per less plants which can only be a good thing - also maybe use a uvb bulb during too pump my thc levels up - u dig


Well-Known Member
well it sounds like you still have alot to learn. First if your that young you dont have any money for the things you need you must live in your parents house. If thats the case dont grow. its just not worth it. Growing weed takes lots of money and time to do it right. You will need to work with your plants every day. That alone can be a pain in the ass. I would sugest you hold off till you have a better grip on growing and a beter place to do it.


Well-Known Member
alrite m8
the reason ur plants arent growing well is because of your lights
you need to get some heavy duty shit..
i have 2 600w hps lights for my indoor plants and they do amazingly,
so ye thats basically it, its not really coz of nutes, plants dont really need any if theyre healthy


so its my lights - but ive got a book where a guy uses sort of the sames lights as me but more of them and the correct colour temp and he gets massive yeild m8- will it make much of a diff if i get the flowering bulbs at this late stage - n nah i cant have none ov them heavy duty shit man 2 much energy cost blad n i live at home