400 watt 2 liter Hempy SOG


Well-Known Member
Yea, should be a nice harvest with very little put into it.

I flowered these clones when they were 5-7 inches tall.

From the top of the Hempy two liters the clones now measure 14-17 inches.

I still have a bit of extra vertical space, so for this next SOG crop I will flower when they are 8-10 inches tall.

This would maximize the use of my light and space and get me optimal yield.

I was being a bit conservative for this first test.


Well-Known Member
Its a Fungicide Spray - Active Ingredient is Potassium Bicarbonate.

When you spray it on the buds it changes their PH and mold like Botrytis cannot grow in them.

Its safe to spray on the buds, people use it for fruits and vegetables.


Well-Known Member
Flowering Day 41

Some of the hairs are turning from white to orange:

Side Buds:

Full shot of clone:



Well-Known Member
The cuttings in the cloner are starting to root today.

I see white bumps on the stems and a couple have tiny roots starting.

Over the last couple of days some of the cuttings fan leaves have turned yellow. Its a sign that the clone is using up stored energy and trying to root.

I mixed up a light nitrogen foliage spray and gave them a misting.


Well-Known Member
Flowering day 50 !

A couple of the top cola's are starting to Foxtail:

A few have kept a Pyramid shape, with a bit of a curl:

This is one of my short plants that did not Lollypop very well. It had large side branches. I should have removed them sooner, but when I caught it was too late.

You can see it has a bit of Purple in the Leaf:

And here is a group shot with about 10 days to go:

Its getting close to the end now :lol:


Well-Known Member
In the veg area the clones have nice looking roots.

Ten of the best rooted ones are going to become mothers. And the rest will be my next rotation of SOG clones to flower.

Once transplanted from the cloner into a hempy bucket I like to give them a few hours of darkness before they go back under the light.

After the dark period I will start nutes. Spraying each hempy with a 1/2 strength 5-10 lucas formula.


Well-Known Member
My genetics are a bagseed mystery.

I think they are F3's from: White Widow x Unknown

There are a few different Phenotypes in my progeny. The ones expressing the foxtail trait seem to be maturing faster then the rest.

Today is flower day 57, about half the plants have mostly red hairs, and the rest have some white ones left.

Down the road I will need to select one of the phenotypes from my seedline and keep mothers of that single type.

Right now i am leaning towards the early maturing clones that express the foxtail trait.

As a side project I have a single female F2 white widow x unknown cross outside with a few males. I took four cuttings from it recently and now they are in a mini bubble cloner to root. I will set them up as mothers and run a few clones from them later on.


Well-Known Member
Day 58

Over the past couple of days all the hairs have been turning from white to red.

So I just took at look at a calyx on the top of a bud with my Eye Clops microscope.

100x magnification:

The majority of the heads on the plants are Clear-Milky. Another couple of days to go id say.


Well-Known Member
Almost looks like a piece of red thread and clear ass trichs. I like to give my plants a nice five days without water before i harvest. So they dry faster for example five days w/o water five days hang dry, then the go in the jars.


Well-Known Member
Its kinda hard to take pics with the scope with the bud is still on the plant. Much easier to remove a piece and set it down first. I can take some good ones that way at harvest.

I will check the trichs again on day 60, if they are still looking clear I will wait a bit more. But iam guessing they wont take any longer then 64 days.

While these are finishing off I have clones vegging in fresh Hempy's.

They are starting to "grab" and they need a bit of veg time anyway.
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Well-Known Member
those are some good photos. does your eyeclops look like this? i'm getting one if so... what does it look like 400x? nice grow. +rep.


Well-Known Member
Flowering day 60 !

Many of the trichomes are looking milky to me today.

Here is a single calyx from the very top of the plant:

And here is a leaf from the side of a bud:

After looking over the plants with the cam I see some clear and mostly milky. So I think I will give them another 2 days at least.

Its hard to be patient hehe.


Well-Known Member
Looking Gooey. I think you and gypsy should start a super bud porn thread with massive trich pics only. You guys have both taken some really really nice photos.

Im playing the waiting game right now too. I think im gonna chop on friday. I did have to chop one girl early due to root rot. Got about a quarter and its real tasty for being two weeks early and only a few days cured.

I did try the water cure thing on a small sample and did not really care for it. Super strong, but no flavor, and smells like tea.


Well-Known Member
Yea, I will take alot of close up pics when they come down.

The scope is very handy for checking the ripeness of your crop. But you need steady hands to take shots that are not blurry.

During harvest I will take some clear closeups while its still fresh.

Its best to take a small piece off and set it on the table. That way you can rest the scope and focus better.

One other feature I have not tried yet is to take video with it.